Pilot (Part One)

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"Woah, easy there Tiger," Deanna chucked from where she had her baby brother pinned beneath her, he might be a good 7 inches taller than her, but she had always been able to beat him in any wrestling match. "Deanna? you scared the crap out of me," Sam said, Deanna chuckled again, "that's 'cause you're out of practice," she said, Sam yanked her arm and suddenly she was pinned under Sam. "or not, get off of me," she said, tapping Sam's arm. 

"what the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked, pulling his sister off the floor, "I was just looking for a beer," Deanna said, holding her hands up in fake defeat, Sam gave her a look, "what the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked again, "alright we gotta talk," Deanna said, "uh, phone?" the male Winchester questioned, "tried that when I pushed two crotch goblins out of my pussy," Deanna said, just as Carly started crying. 

"shit, shit, shit. hey Carly it's alright, Momma's right here," Deanna said, rushing over to where she had set Carly and Carter on the couch, she had just changed the twins so she got a pacifier out of the diaper bag and gently placed it between Carly's lips, "there everything's ok Bubs," Deanna said, brushing her fingers through her daughter's soft hair. she kissed Carly's cheek and then Carter's before standing and returning to her brother.

"Sam? what's going on? I heard a baby crying," Jessica said as she entered the living room, turning on the light as she did so. "Jess, hey, uh, Deanna, this is Jessica, my girlfriend," Sam said, moving over to stand next to Jessica, "wait, your sister Deanna?" Jess asked, still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Jessica was a beautiful woman, she was slim and had long curly blond hair, she and Sam were the perfect couple.

"in the flesh," Deanna smirked, "Anyway, I gotta borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private family business, But, uh, nice meeting you," Deanna said, already getting the diaper bag over her shoulder and picking up up the two baby carriers, "No, whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of her," Sam said, moving over to stand next to Jess. 

"Um. Dad hasn't been home in a few days." Deanna sighed, glancing down and seeing Carly had gone back to sleep. "Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days." Deanna explained, "Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days." Sam said, his face not changing, Deanna's was impressed by that, "Jess, excuse us. We have to go outside" Sam said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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