Chapter 1 || "whats a muggle?"

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Gwens life as a child wasn't as easy as others. her muggle parents died when she were younger and she had no immediate family to stay with, so her and her abusive elder brother were on their own. She one night lead her to the best thing that has happened to her. Gwen was studying in her room, reading a book of poetry. she was a star student and above average with most of her muggle classmates. she started to get distracted , and felt bothered, but she had no idea why. she glanced at her desk and noticed an envelope that she hadn't noticed before, she grabbed it and opened it, being very surprised. as she read she stood in disbelief. "Dear Mrs Gwen. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students shall report to the Chamber Of Reception upon arrival. Please find and enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins September 1st. We await your owl no later than September 6th. To avoid detection by muggles, please use the entrance located at kings cross station Downtown London, on platform 9 3/4. We look forward to having you at our school. Yours sincerely, Minerva Mcgonagall." she stared at it blankly. she had so many questions. what the heck was a muggle? witch?? she had no idea what that letter was talking about. she decided to keep it to herself. she decided to walk around london the next day to try to find some sort of idea on what to do. she woke up early the next day, packing some money and some clothes, she was determined to find out what she was accepted into. she walked around until she noticed her neighbor walking with a strange man. she was confused, but decided to follow since she didn't know what she was doing and she was relieved to see a familiar face. she followed behind quietly, reading over the letter this minerva mcgonagall sent her. it must have been important. she looked up and saw a brick wall opening, and then seeing her neighbor, who she knew as harry, walking through the wall with the man. before the wall closed she was able to run through it, and then they were gone. harry and the strange man disappeared into the crowd of people that all had an assortment of things in their hands. somehow she knew this is where she was supposed to be. she looked at the letter and found the list that she needed, and started trying to find them. luckily she packed some money so it was easy for her to get the things she needed. she walked around, reading the letter. "students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad." she smiled and bought herself a ragdoll cat. she always felt as she had a connection to cats. after her shopping she headed straight to the train station. she was surprised to see harry there. she watched as harry, and a family of redheads run through a column that had a 9 and a 10 on it. she just went for it, since she had nothing to loose, she's gone this far. she ran, her cart with all of her things on it rolling infront of her, and with her cat on top, and she vanished with her eyes shut hard. soon she opened her eyes and found a sign for a train. "9 3/4!" she exclaimed. she rushed to get onto the train, a whole lot of children on it, no adults. she was very surprised. she just found a random roomette to get in and sat in it a bit nervous, with all her things in her bag above her, except for her cat, that was purring on her lap. she straightened out her skirt, being really fidgety. all of a sudden, a random ginger, ron,  walked in, looking stunned to see her. "oh! hello there" he mumbled "i didnt know you were in here." he closed the door quickly and ran off. gwen smiled to herself, really hoping she would
make some new friends, and hoping her brother wasnt too angry that she left without saying anything. he would never let her leave. she pet her cat, who she was still thinking of a name for, and started to drift off. she woke up suddenly to a toad on her hand. she let out a scream, her cat jumped off of her, also scared "somebody get their toad!!" she yelled, and some kids ran in "im so sorry miss!" he just keeps getting away!" a kid, who will
later be known as neville, said to her, repeatedly apologizing. gwen laughed a bit "its alright." she picked up her cat, petting her to calm her down. "i was making a big fuss." neville laughed and smiled to her "im neville longbottom" by that time all the other kids had walked out. "im gwen wright! its very nice to meet you!" she smiled and shook his hand. they both sat and talked about the whole witch and wizard thing. it was a long ride so he had enough tike to explain all the basic stuff, and to help her make sure she had everything she needed. they both showed eachother their wands. "mine is rowan wood, dragon core 11 3/4, and its kinda bendy." gwen giggled saying the last part, she gave him her wand so he could look at it. her cat and his toad her laying next to eachother, theyve grown to like eachother while the other two were talking. " you get to pick which house you get into..?" gwen asked, picking up her cat, who she finally found a name for, salem, and putting her in her lap. "no no, not at all. a magical hat picks it for you, its fate" gwen laughed, snorting, "no way." she wasnt used to this whole magic thing yet. neville smiled "its true!! he talks and everything. its amazing." gwen was in disbelief. "thats so cool!! i wonder what house ill be in.." she smiled and giggled, and thats when the train stopped. "oh!! were here!! cmon, get your cat, this is gonna be exciting." neville seemed super excited. "is this your first year too?" gwen asked, hoping shed have someone in the same year that actually wanted to be friends with her. "yep. im pretty excited" they walked out together, then gwen looked up, her eyes widening at the giant building that stood before her. "woah."

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