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The War, Love, & Harmony Series: Book 2

Dancing with the Dangerous Prince

By Elizabeth Lennox

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Copyright 2015

ISBN13: 9781940134581

All rights reserved

This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.  Any duplication of this material, either electronic or any other format, either currently in use or a future invention, is strictly prohibited unless you have the direct consent of the author.  

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Chapter 1

Breathing slowly, heart pounding, feet moving, chilly, moist air whooshing past her face and arms to cool her off....this was the best time of the morning.  Ciara felt her feet thump along the soft dirt, her body relishing the exercise of a good, long run.  There was nothing better than a run through the woods to clear one's mind, get ready for the upcoming day.  The pace wasn't always steady but this path she'd discovered never failed to make her body sing with the effort as she raced through the trees.

Whenever worries about the future, of what might happen when she had to leave this job at the end of the week started to filter into her mind, she pushed herself harder.  This wasn't a time to worry about anything.  This was her time to just be a part of nature, part of the world around her.  

She was rounding a corner and saw the movement off in the distance, which was odd since normally, she was the only one out here this early.  It was predawn and the horizon looked almost silvery as the sun started to break through the early morning haze.  

The man she saw was...shocking!  He was so impressive that she actually blinked, just to see if perhaps her mind was playing tricks on her.  He literally stopped her in her tracks.  

Whoa, she thought, seeing his arm and back muscles bulge as he pulled himself up the cliff's edge.  Ciara watched as....

Where had that stump come from?  Looking down, she quickly regained her footing then hurriedly glanced back up towards where she'd seen the man.  He was gone!  

Shoot, she thought.  Her eyes scanned the horizon but nothing else moved.  Where had he gone so quickly?  

Picking up her pace once more, she ran her usual route along the lake but she had a hard time getting back into the rhythm.  And it was all because of that man!  He'd been absolutely divine!  Never had she seen such a perfectly formed male specimen.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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