[Ch.10] It's Friday...

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Simultaneously, you and Craig woke up within the bright early morning. Very groggily, the both of you would state,

 Very groggily, the both of you would state,

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You were still in the vintage dress. You recalled just dancing with Christophe and Damien. The next was blank with a strange dream either real or not. Dreams never made sense and were completely bizarre. Some details you didn't get except the part you were falling and some memories that may had replayed your thoughts. Sighing, you got up from bed.

Bee lining for the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. Not having time to have a shower. You thought, when you come back home you would take a bath. Furthermore, you went to the sink with the mirror cabinet above. Turning on the cold and hot water taps. The running water from the faucet can be heard. Cupping your hands to splash warm water onto your face.

When you look up at the mirror, you weren't sure if you saw something flashed that replaced your reflection.

You hoped that 'mocktail' didn't have anything to do with last night

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You hoped that 'mocktail' didn't have anything to do with last night. Thinking about it, Damien doesn't seem like someone to tamper the drinks. You noted beforehand he just wanted a good time to hangout. Eventually you brushed it off as just 'your imagination'.

When you took off the red scarf that has been covering your neck. You were scared to see if it was another rash like last time. Although, when you felt a burning sensation that night. To your luck, it was bare and fine. Taking a breath of relief, you can be reassured you had nothing to worry about— Until a monotone yet shocked expression as the voice can be heard through the walls,

'What the—?!'

No doubt it was Craig. You weren't sure what caused him to yell like that in the morning. This reminded you of the dream you had. Whether he was in trouble or whatever it may be. Growing considerably concerned for your brother...

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