Chapter 2

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He hears nothing from anyone for five days, aside from conversations at school, and even though he leaves his window open he hasn't seen Derek since the night of the fight. Not even in passing, not even lurking outside of the school waiting for the betas. Not at all.

If Derek stops sleeping in his bedroom, which seems possible, then Stiles is fairly certain he has lost him as a friend. They barely speak, except when necessitated by Scott or one of the others, and their only actual connection comes from the fact that Derek chose to share sleeping space with Stiles (well, chose to sleep in Stiles's living space). The strangeness of that arrangement is acceptable, if it means that they have something holding them together. Even if that something is secret and unmentioned and results in Derek leaving blood everywhere.

He hates how he's unsure of this. It was never anything permanent, but he worries every night he doesn't see Derek. He wonders about him when Scott mentions their meetings; he wants to know what is going on in Derek's head. He wants to know why he feels as if they're capable of having something-an undefined something-when so far all they've had is nothing, really. If he's honest, nothing at all.

And all of this is maudlin and stupid and he stuffs his head under his pillow in an effort to block it out, but the last time a head was under that pillow it was Derek's, and so that's wrong.

The dumb Toy Story sheets keep reminding him of Derek, too, and how the last thing he said to him was a text about how soft the sheets were, and that's truly damnable, it is. But what's also damnable is Derek sleeping in his bed and he seemed perfectly content with that arrangement, so what Stiles is is really, outrageously, devastatingly confused.

It doesn't get any better, either, because the next time he sees Derek the whole pack is there, and Stiles feels off already because he's snuck out of his house to be there, and lying to his dad is necessary but he hates it, and Derek looks at him the way he always does-angry and almost silent and very unsure. Stiles may be the only one who can see how unsure he is, although the others may be able to smell it, because he's seen Derek's face when he's asleep, and when Derek's asleep his eyebrows don't threaten and his expression is peaceful and his mouth sometimes falls open. He is a different person when asleep, Stiles swears he is.

But now, surrounded by werewolves and Derek, is the worst possible time to ruminate on how Derek looks when he's asleep. Scott is already raising an eyebrow at him, clearly wondering what he's thinking about that's got his heartbeat so slow. Because Derek Hale asleep is not an arousing sight. Derek Hale every other time of day and night is an arousing sight, but Derek Hale asleep is the most calming thing Stiles can think of. Derek asleep makes Stiles feel as if maybe he could calm down enough to sleep again, someday.

And yeah, Scott is really staring now, and the others are starting to too; Stiles sees Boyd exchange a glance with Erica, who passes it on to Isaac via a nudge. Stiles is going to die of their scrutiny, one of these days. Derek shoots him a sharp, dark look, and Stiles leans against one of the pillars, arms crossed. He meets Derek's gaze in what for the others would be a challenge; for Stiles it's little more than a joke.

"So, as fascinating as Mr. Stilinski's heart rate undoubtedly is," Peter sways out of the shadows and Derek jerks his head to look at him, "we have alphas to worry about. There's a new member of their pack, and she seems like a disaster. We'll need to be on guard."

"Aren't we always?" Boyd snorts, and Erica places a hand on his shoulder. Stiles would have interpreted it as a calming gesture, except that he sees the way her nails dig into the white of Boyd's t-shirt.

Scott scowls. "Why do they keep attracting new members? What do they want?"

"Something nefarious, no doubt," Stiles puts in. Jackson rolls his eyes at the floor. "They probably want to turn everyone in town into a werewolf, create a little wolfy enclave up here. Obviously we-this pack, I mean-would need to protect the members of the town from unsolicited bites, and then we-the pack-would become heroes. Or die." He cocks his head. "Probably die."

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