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Having a total drama girls day 💕💕 @jersey_girlie❤️ 4

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Having a total drama girls day 💕💕 @jersey_girlie
❤️ 4.4m

Gwen: what? Why wasn't I invited?

Heather: bc we don't like you

Courtney: yeah we're having a sleepover and we don't allow triangle tits

Zoey: hehe

Lindsay: OOOH! Guys come look at the top laquifa got me!

Gwen: LESHAWNA? Why are you there!?

Leshawna: sorry boo, Zoey invited me.


Don't usually post but @asian

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Don't usually post but @asian._.bxtch and @kitty.xx convinced me.
855k ❤️

Eva: Jesus why so many likes?


Kitty: we somehow convinced her

Emma: we know it literally says in the caption kit.

Gwen: yk you don't have to flex that your all having fun without me?

Taylor: you know you can actually piss of?

Taylor: you know you can actually piss of?

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Bestay @taytay
8.2M ❤️

Noah: wow what tf am I to you?

Courtney: boy bestie

Trent: 🤨

Courtney: ugh I'm to popular for everyone

Heather: we all know I'm Courtney's number 1

Bridgette: are you?

Mike: oh shit things are about to get real

Gwen: why would you wanna be her friend? 😂

Zoey: you act like anyone wants to be your friend

Gwen: I have Duncan!

Duncan: mhm

Geoff: Gwen...hate to break it to ya, but Duncan's stalking Courtney's Instagram right now.

Courtney: um...

Gwen: wtf Duncan?

Duncan: i wasn't dong anything!

DJ: you were literally drooling

Duncan: im never simping in front of you two again

Gwen: we're gonna talk about this later.

Noah: oh shit is gonna go down


@bethyboo girlies sleepover at heathers ✌🏻💕2

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@bethyboo girlies sleepover at heathers ✌🏻💕

Comments 💬

Geoff: woah babe 😍😍

Bridgette: ❤️❤️

Zoey: wow Beth you had a massive glow up!

Beth: thank you!

Courtney: who gave you two a right to be so beautiful? 😍🤨

Heather: ikr


Eva: ^^ she's nice in her own weird way, anyway yeah you look nice

Noah: 🤯

Trent: who are you?

Cody: is someone controlling evas brain?

Duncan: where's the Eva we all know and hate?

Courtney: I don't hate Eva!

Eva: 😊

Noah: ^^ yep definitely being mind controlled

Eva: no, I just starting taking anger management with Courtney

Courtney: we go on Thursdays ✌🏻

Trent: I mean slay I guess

Harold: did you know slay used to mean kill back in the olden days?

Noah: yes Harold, slay

Mike: wait so anytime I told Courtney she was slaying I was saying I wanted to kill her...

Courtney: Mike I'm coming to your house

Mike: SHIT

Tyler: dw bro we'll protect you

Mike: thanks bro

Geoff: no problem bro

DJ: I'll help to bro

Lightning: let's help a sha-bro out

Trent: yeah bro

Noah: wow bros

Duncan: bros

Cody: what bro?

Duncan: bro I think Courtney's gonna kill us all

Alejandro: bro she will

Brick: oh shit bro

Courtney: bro I will kill all of you

Zoey: bro don't

Heather: let me help you bro

Bridgette: bro calm down

Leshawna: bro can I come?

Heather: yeah bro

Anne Maria: bro I wanna watch

Dakota: let's go bro

Scott: shit there coming bros

Gwen: will you all stop?


Heather: YOU BITCH

Duncan: way to ruin the chain!

Courtney: fuck you!

Mike: the day is ruined!

Tyler: all thanks to Gwen, who is not a bro.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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