Confronting and Thalassophobia

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" Guyss! You missed EVERYTHING- Oh, hi Tango! " Mallow would have been absolutely furious, but thanks to Tango she was.. mellow- oh god dammit NO, CURSE YOU CHAOS-


Tango looked away nervously, not liking social interaction which I decided just now, then smacking himself in the arm- remembering that fear causes his form to activate. " Uh- yeah, Hi. "

" You found him! " The short guy, fan of Electric Types, exclaimed.

 Scott nodded at Sophocles, in some form of response.. " Yes we did. Somehow. " ... he really didn't know how. Nobody did... except for- nevermind. 

Ash asked.. ashed? Ash asked the next question. " Where were you? Scott, Scar, and Bdubs went looking everywhere- without even asking us, and it took them so long to get back! " 

Scott had to hold in a small laugh, Bdubs didn't laugh out of nervousness, and Scar let out a chuckle. " Yeah, because getting lost was definitely the reason we took so long. "

" Huh? "

" Nothing! "

Kiawe and the others didn't buy it, but only Kiawe spoke out- at first. " Yeah, cut the lies. What happened? "


" Come on, you can tell us! " Lana exclaimed, hoping to get anything out of the four males.

Scar, Scott, and Tango looked at Bdubs- who sighed. Why did HE have to say it? " Uh- yeah. Team Rocket stuff happened, you know those guys? Yeah we encountered them."

" WHAT?! " Ow, how was the original group- Ash and friends from Alola- so loud?! Sure it's a childrens anime, a child's show, but still.

Scott decided that he pitied Bdubs a tiny bit (not really), so he continued for him. " They were only there for a few seconds, or a few minutes maybe... Since Scar and Bdubs still had their Pokémon, we could just walk a different direction- oh yeah, this was before we found Tango. I think. The reason we were late was because we got distracted after that mostly. "

" YOU JUST WALKED AWAY?! " The main group of students shouted, making Tango grimace in annoyance; how loud were they?

As the others kept shouting at eachother in shock, Tango, Bdubs, Scott, and Scar talked amongst theirselves.

" These are the people we're stuck with? " Tango asked, glancing towards the others- hoping that it wasn't really.

Scar nodded sadly. " Yep... we're stuck with these children. "

" Of course they're children, it's a childrens show! Idiot. " Bdubs... said. 

I HAD TO USE IT, I HAD TO SAY ' SAID ' I'M SORRY! Why do you hate using 'said' so much? ITS TOO PLAIN-


And now for a timeskip to the next episode. Episode 5... but it wont be exactly canon.

At the class, our group of 4 were in their desk instead of standing like the rest.

That rhymed, Spiral. Speak when you're told to, dumba- hey no swearing.

 ( hey its host here aka author, damn I made Spiral angry- that or idiotic. )

Rowlet rolled, nearly touching Scott's leg because his chair was there- but he moved his leg out of the way in time, not wanting to touch it. Or any Pokémon, really. They creeped him out when seeing them in real life.

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