Waking Up In The Recovery Room

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Sonic and friends were looking at their iPad to past the time.

"It's been 45 minutes, is the surgery done yet?" Sonic asked.

"It will be done Sonic." repiled Tails.

The doctor said they can see Julia now.

"How's Julia is she ok?" Amy asked.

"She was very brave during the surgery."

"I'm glad kitten is ok." said Knuckles.

They walked into the recovery room to see Julia.

They saw Julia asleep.

"Julia," Knuckles said quietly. "Sweetheart we're here."

Julia slowly opened her eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Sonic asked.

"Does Julia look ok to you faker." Shadow said rolling his eyes.

Julia was too groggy to talk.

Tails looked at Julia's mouth, there was gauze on the back of her gums.

There was stitches on her gums it will dissolve on their own.  

"You were very brave during your surgery we're proud of you."

"Thank chaos you didn't get the laughing gas you'll say something weird and funny." said Sticks.

"See i told you." said Shadow.

Knuckles started petting her head.

"It's going to be ok, we will take care of you."

"Poor Julia, she looks like a chipmunk." said Sticks.

Julia's cheeks were swollen.

She did fall back to sleep.

The doctor give Sonic and friends wisdom teeth care instructions.

The doctor give antibiotics and pills.

"She needs to take antibiotics and pills so her mouth doesn't get infection."

When it was time to go home, Julia did feel wobbly good thing the doctor helped her with her balance.

Back at Julia's house Sticks and Amy were holding Julia so she wouldn't fall and hurt herself.

"There you go we're inside now."

Knuckles put a pillow and blanket on the couch.

"Let's get you lie down on the couch."

Amy lied Julia on the couch and put a blanket on her.

Knuckles give her stuffed animal to keep her company.

"There you go nice and comfy."

Julia did look sad.

"I know it's not fun to be in pain." Knuckles said gently.

"I'll get you an ice pack."

Sonic grabbed the ice pack and placed it on Julia's cheek.

"Let's put on a movie this will cheer her up."

"I'll put Weekend At Bernie's."

Sonic put the Weekend At Bernie's in the DVD player.

They sat on the couch and watched the movie.

The movie did cheer Julia up.

She couldn't laugh due to her sore mouth.

Amy was reading wisdom teeth care instructions.

It says you have take antibiotics for every 6 hours.

Sonic Tails Knuckles and Shadow were laughing at funny parts of the movie.

"This movie is so funny." laughed Knuckles.

"After this we'll watch the second movie of Weekend at Bernie's."


Amy took bloody gauze out of Julia's mouth and put clean gauze in her mouth.

Julia couldn't talk for the rest of the day.

"What time is it?" Sticks asked.

"It's medication time." replied Perci.

Perci give Julia antibiotics.

"I know you don't like medicine but you have to take it otherwise your mouth is going to get infection."

Julia took medication without a fight.

"Good girl you didn't spit out or anything, you took it like a pro."

Julia did eat something soft like soup ice cream and Jello.

"She's doing great, she hasn't say anything weird or funny."

Julia did have a little sleep.

When night time came Knuckles carried Julia to bed.

"I'll wake you up for medicine."

In the middle of the night Knuckles woke Julia up to take her antibiotics.

She took her medicine.

Then she put a pill in her mouth and gulped it down with water.

Julia did fall back to sleep.

Everything was quiet.

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