Chapter 13 - Leonidas

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Stuck under this trailer is not how I wanted to spend my day but for the first time in years I missed the time to get back home before the sun rose by accident. I watched from the shadows as she killed one of my goons. It was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. She seduced him into letting her close and the entire time had her knife in her hand waiting for the moment to strike. Lethal and curvy, god what a woman. Horrible that the idiot that saved her the first time I saw her was the one to turn her. I wonder if he told her about the way turning someone allows you to track them and feel their emotions? Probably not judging by what I heard tonight. How did neither of them smell me? Wait, she said she had fuck boy dust up her nose. That would explain why she didn't, but he should have smelled me on the breeze. Perhaps he stayed to stake his claim. Not that it will do any good, I always get what I want and I want her more than anything. She and I, we could rule our own little corner of the world together.

The trailer above me shudders on its pilings and I eye it, this place was not meant for vampire sex. I hope they don't bring the place down on me. Her cries of pleasure are driving me to distraction but the sun has me trapped till this evening. Why isn't she at his place? He wants her there but she specifically said that would not happen, what did he do? How can I exploit that to make her mine? I need to change what my goons are doing. Get one of the girls to go to work at the same club. I need information.

I stretch and slip my hands under my head and close my eyes. She is quiet for a moment, maybe I can get to sleep.

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