purgatory hall

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Chapter 1
//Mc pov//

I walk over to Lucifer's room and knock on the door... No answer I knock again but enter the room immediately. I looked around to find him exhausted on his desk, he still has a lot of work to do since there where piles no towers of paper work. Should I wake him up? I originally came to him to ask him to help with my homework but I think I'll ask Satan instead now that I've seen how much work Lucifer still has. "wakey wakey Lucifer" I say softly holding back a little bit of laughter. Finally he opens his eyes. "What do you need mc?" He asks now fully awake. "Nothing I was planning to ask you to help with my homework but now I've seen the amount of work you still got I think I'll just ask someone else." After saying that I didn't give him a chance to say something back and stormed out of the room. I rushed to the library because where else would you find Satan? Luckily he was there and I could ask him my question. "Hey Satan!" I immediately said when I saw him. "Hm? Oh, hey mc." He responded. He turned to look at me but when I saw his face I jumped a little. "Satan you look like you haven't slept for a week!" "Actually I haven't slept for 4 days, I've been trying to finish this book." I looked at the book he was holding. He was only half way. "You know, never mind I forgot what I came for." I said obviously lying. I went back to my room but when I arrived I saw Solomon standing in front of my door. "Solomon? how did you get in?" "Mc! you need to come to the purgatory hall." He said completely ignoring my question. "No questions just pack some clothes and come with me." I nodded and did what he said. After I packed up I went to the purgatory hall with Solomon. When we arrived I saw Luke and Simeon on the couch both wearing a  onesie. I blushed a little looking at Simeon since he had the zipper only halfway up. "Mc!!" Luke jumped up from the couch and huged me tight. "Hey Luke!" I smiled and hug him back. When he finally let's go off me I walk over to Simeon and hug him too. Simeon is a bit shocked because I never really hug him but he hugs me back anyway. "Why did I need to come?" I asked. "We missed you and we thought it might be fun to do a sleep over with you." Simeon said smiling at me. "There is only one problem. " Solomon continues. "There is not enough room for all of us." Luke said looking disappointed. "Or 2 of us have to sleep on the floor." Solomon said. "I'll sleep on the floor." Simeon said. "Me too." I continued "we have 1 spare mattress right?" Simeon asked. "Yes we have." Solomon answered. "Good, then Mc sleeps on that mattress." Simeon continued, I just nodded. We brought the mattress to the living room, played some games and baked (Solomon wasn't allowed to help...). After that we went to sleep.

//Time skip//
//Middle of the night//

I can't sleep, no matter what I do I can't sleep. I look over at Simeon. "Simeon" I whisper. To my surprise he was awake too. "Simeon I can't sleep." "That makes 2 of us." he whispers back. We sit up and I ask him to move over to the mattress. We talk for a bit and after a while I notice myself looking at his lips. I knew I've liked Simeon for a while now but I've always been able to control this. "Mc?" "Is there something on my lips?" This made me realize he could see me looking at his lips. "Nope nothing on your lips." After saying that Simeon softly grabbed me by my chin and he came closer to my face. My heart was beating so fast right now. "May I put something on my lips?" He asked, I nodded softly in response. The moment I started nodding my head he went in. I felt his soft lips on mine. After he broke the kiss he looked at me. "I love you Mc." I love you too Simeon." We layed back down on the mattress and we cuddled each other to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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