Chapter 4

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Blood spilling out of my mouth I smiled looking at this woman standing before me and her pack behind her.
  "Such a brave beta" i said to her while i brushed the blood of my mouth.
   "Alpha" she hissed at me, she was standing straight looking at me with fire in her eyes ready to kill me
  "My mistake" i said looking at her and looking around me trying to see where that damn ring is
  "You will never find it" she said knowing what im seeking
   "Dont be so sure" i said to her with full confidence when i saw the ring hanging to a little boy's neck but i masked my expression she mustnt know that i know where the ring is
   "Even if you find it that ring is ours" she hissed, for a moment i thought she figured that i found the ring.
   "Ehm" I said looking and walking around my hands behind my back, my hair infront of my face, I was covered in blood my own blood to be specific.
    "You know Amanda" I said looking at her getting closer to the boy "You understimate me alot, you always have...." I add getting with fast speed to the boy and picking him by the neck ".... and thats has been your biggest mistake" i said by getting the ring out of the boys neck and dropping him in the ground.
    She and her pack made steps forward but she couldnt touch me or even get close to me.
    "Did you really think that you are stronger than me?" I asked her
     "You..." she shouted "That ring belongs to us" she shouted louder
     "This ring.... belongs to me" I screamed in her face the ground shook, her face got pale but she still was pretending she isnt scared
   "This ring" i said now more calmly "Belonged to my father" i added now putting the ring in my finger
   "He is not your father" she said now my attention on her, I know im dead but those words cut deep
   "If he was.... why did you kill him?" She screamed in my face
    "He was a lost cause" i said
     "Shame" she said
    I said nothing i could see the sun rising i couldnt stay here any longer so i looked for a passage to get away but i was surrounded.
    There was a little path behind this big bush of flowers but to get there i need to get through her and 10 other wolfes.
    "I have to go" I said starting to walk.
    "Im afraid not...not until you give me the ring" she said standing infront of me
     "So be it" I said walking towards her, she gets ready to fight me but my powers are no match for her she is weak.
     She throws a punch at me but she misses, i caught her arm and brake it in half she screamed in agony, next i threw her against a wall, the wall shattered in pieces and she fell in the ground. That was easy.
     The next 10 wolfes stayed infront of me trying to stand against me but all they did was inviting death to their house. First i took the heart of the two people/wolfes staying infront of me, the next one i snapped his head and the others... well they run away. So much for a loyal pack.
    The sun rised and i was still exposed in an open ambient, I run fast to the bush of flowers and removed them, there was exactly what i thought there would be a passage. Before i got inside the passage i turned my head to look at the scene i caused, I looked at Amanda my heart almost burned from the view.
   Im confused why i still feel this way for them?, why i still feel sadness?
    I shook my head and got inside the passage then i hear Amanda say "He was my father too" she started crying thinking i was gone.
     This passage gets me to a street where its always dark perfect for me, i can not expose myself not yet.
      After some time i finally got out of the passage and into the streets. I took of the dirt out of my clothes when i hear Kai say "πέρασες καλα?" (Did you have fun?) He was leaning against a door looking at me
   "Τι κάνεις εδώ?" (What are you doing here?) I asked him looking at him straightining my back.
    "η μάγισσα δεν μιλάει δοκίμασα ό,τι νομίζει ότι θα τη σκοτώσεις όταν επιτέλους πάρεις αυτό που θέλεις" (the witch doesn't talk i tried everything she thinks you'll kill her when you finally get what you want) he said
    "καλά είναι αλήθεια έτσι δεν είναι?"(well it's true isn't it) i said to him
    "Δεν νομίζω ότι είναι καλή ιδέα να τη σκοτώσεις"(I don't think it's a good idea to kill her) he said "η μάγισσα θα είναι χρήσιμη" (the witch will be useful) he added looking at me now crossing his arms
    "Για?" (For?) I asked him
    "Για παράδειγμα αυτό το δαχτυλίδι" (For example this ring) he said pointing at the ring
     I lowered my head to look at the ring in my finger, its burning my skin slowly but painfully.
     "Άκου τη χρειαζόμαστε"(Listen, we need her) he said now looking at me "Εμπιστέψου με" (Trust me)
     I looked at him and i sighed "καλύτερα να έχεις δίκιο σε αυτό το Kai"(you better be right about this Kai) walking towards the car getting followed by Kai
   "δεν κάνω ποτέ λάθος"(I'm never wrong)  he said putting one arm in my shoulder "ας φάμε κάτι, φαίνεσαι απαίσια"(let's eat something, you look awful)
    I laughed and got inside the car...

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