𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏𝟏

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Third Person POV: 

The school day was long and boring and long. Langa wanted anything but to go skate home with the red-head he used to think was his best-friend-forever. But alas, the time came where the final bell sounded, and he would have to face Reki Kyan. 

"Alright, make sure to read pages 56-60 for homework," the teacher announced, letting the class walk out the door. 

Everybody watched the blue-haired boy walk through the hall and down the outside steps to where Reki wanted to meet. 

Langa stood with his arms crossed as the red-head raced down the stairs, almost slipping on one. 

"Hey, sorry, Haruka wanted to talk to me for a sec." Reki said, meeting up to Langa. 

"What do you want?" Langa said sternly. 

"Uh, I just uhm... I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't know you thought of me in such a... strong... way," Reki rubbed the back of his neck and blushed slightly. 

Langa turned his head away and looked down, trying to hide the crimson covering his face. 

"I know Haruka can be intense but... she is sweet, and loving." Reki said, smiling. 

"Ugh, how could you even like her, she is using you for popularity!" Langa said, slightly raising his voice. 

Reki looked taken back, and quite surprised.  

"Haruka, is that true?" Reki looked up at the top of the stairs, where the blonde popped up. 

"Uhm, no, baby of course it's not!" SHe pleaded, seeming to panic.  

"Don't worry, I don't care enough to lie to you," Langa turned to leave, but the red head grabbed his shoulder. 

"D-Don't worry, I believe you," Reki face was quickly covered in tears. 

"Wha- Reki," the stern look on Langa's face soothed when he saw his best friend crying. The blonde girl had already ran off, somewhere down the hall. 

"Reki, please stop crying over her, she didn't even love you," Langa held onto Reki's arms softly, looking down at him with a kind look. 

"I-I know, but I thought somebody w-would really like me!" Reki was crying like a toddler, getting air caught between each sob. Langa directed him to sit down, which he did quickly. 

Langa sat down next to him, patting his arm. 

"It's alright, you'll be okay," Langa looked down at his friend, trying to calm him down before he choked more on his words. Reki looked up at his best friend and their eyes locked. Langa got butterflies and could feel his face heating up. 

With shaking hands, Langa gingerly wiped off the tears from Reki's face. 

"Lots of people love you, Reki, you just need to find them." Langa said, giving Reki a sad smile. 

"This is so lame," Reki said covering his face with his hands. Langa shoulder sank and he moved his arm to his side. 

"Why did you do that?" Reki quickly looked over to the blue haired boy. 

"I thought you said it was lame?" Langa gave a confused look. 

"No, me crying over somebody who didn't even like me," Reki put his head on Langa's shoulder and sighed. 

"Well, I like you," Langa looked down at Reki. Both of their faces turned red. Now that Reki wasn't dating Haruka, Langa hadn't seemed as important. 

"Langa, I-I'm really sorry how I treated you. I was dumb, and just was glad a girl didn't think I was weird, or ugly. I completely ignored you, and I didn't even believe you at first. I was so so wrong. I get if you don't wanna be my friend anymore," Reki sat up and looked away from Langa. 

"Don't say that. I'll always want to be your best friend, and I wouldn't ditch you for having a girlfriend. I was the dumb one, I didn't get that you may have been happier with a girl, and not me," Langa put his hand on Reki's shoulder, making the red head look over to the blue haired boy, whose face was much closer than expected. 

"U-Uhm," both of their faces were a crimson red. 

Reki stared at the crystal eyes look back at his amber ones. He saw the crystal eyes move down to his own lips. 

"Can I kiss you?" Langa spat out. 

"WHA-" Reki's face was brighter than his hair. 

Langa quickly covered his mouth, his entire face prominently red on his pale skin. 

"Oh my god, I'm sorry that was so dumb I shouldn't have asked tha-" 

Langa's apologetic rant was cut off by Reki grabbing his face and making their lips meet. Langa was in shock, but let himself melt into the red-heads chapped lips. The kiss lasted a few minutes, then they both broke away. 

"Holy crap," Reki breathed. 

"Oh my god," Langa sighed in English. 

The two boys sat there, blankly facing forward. 

"So..." Reki twisted one of his hoodie strings. 

"So... Are we like.. dating now?" Langa covered his face where he knew the blush covered it. 

"I think... I think I need some time before we move there. Yknow. Collect myself. I'm sorry I know you wanted to be together but I don't know..." Reki rubbed the back of his neck in shame. 

"Reki, it's totally okay. You can have all the time in the world. I'll wait infinity for you," Langa smiled at his best friend. 

They both sat there looking into each other's eyes lovingly. 

And so Langa would wait infinity for his love. 



I might make a next chapter but idk if anybody would want that. Sorry if the ending was unsatifying, or the kiss was. I'm not good at stuff like that. 

I cannot that the people that voted and commented under my stories, you'll never know how happy they make me. 


-Claire <3

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