Chapter 32: The Execution of Ru Hasselt

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A/N: At the end of the chapter this time, please read it guys, I swear it's important! T-T

CONTENT WARNING: This chapter contains depictions of violence and/or death.

Jun Keldrass's entrance was dramatic, to say the least. The ground underneath him cracked as he planted his feet down. The moment his eyes landed on the shield, he raised his staff. It was long, the wood was black and at the top, a gem so red and vibrant, it looked to be alive.

He simply hit the shield and a crack appeared. The crack spread in seconds and—the shield collapsed. Jun used [Lesser Teleportation] to reach Ru. He saw the boy had barely gained consciousness.

He hit the boy with his staff, his fury evident on his face.

"S-sir, please don't kill him—" A professor approached as two other professors began urgent care on Rael.

Jun Keldrass's head whirled. "Kill him? Death would be too merciful of a fate for him." He levitated Ru and threw him to the side. He was eager to do more damage but he restrained himself. He couldn't let his emotions take control of him. "Quickly restrain him and bring him to my office. Summon the council. We'll have a meeting on what to do with him."

The professor stuttered but lowered her head and used [Restriction] and [Vine Binding] on Ru. She was quick to follow Jun's orders as she levitated Ru away and told the other professors of the news.

Jun, turning to Rael, whose heart stopped beating moments ago, sighed. He took something out of his pocket.

"Just my luck... I just got this too..." He opened the vial and bent down. He opened Rael's mouth, gently pouring the potion inside his mouth. In seconds, Rael's heart began to beat again, albeit slowly.

The two professors who were skilled in healing magic let out sighs of relief. Even the greatest of mages struggled to bring someone back from the dead. The only one who could was...

A lunatic who ran around all over the world, preaching about the world ending.

Jun's face grew dark as he stared at the empty vial. A Potion of Greater Restoration, gone like that... it took him years to locate one and he had to use it on one student...

Jun turned to the professors. "Bring him to the infirmary and have a thorough check-through. I'm not sure if the potion restored everything."

One of the professors gasped. "Is that...?! Did you spend such a valuable potion on a student? You truly are a benevolent man!" He seemed quite touched by Jun's gesture.

Jun's face grew stiff. "Thank you." He stood up and brushed his clothes off. "I will be going now. I have a meeting to attend."

He stopped his steps. "Ah, but before that..."

He began to float in the air, finally looking at the spectators who were still frozen with shock.

"I do hope all of you are smart enough to keep what you saw a secret." A few students stiffly nodded their heads. "But for those who can't control their mouths, I'll have to waste a bit of mana to make sure you do."

He raised his staff for the second time. All of the spectators raised their heads and stared into the sky. Suddenly, a large magic circle appeared, even larger than the arena. Its patterns were bound with intricate spells, causing anyone who tried reading it to get a headache.

"[Bound to Secrecy]" Jun chanted. He lowered his staff, smiling at his terrified students. "If any of you were to speak about this matter to anyone else outside of the Academy, your mouths will be permanently sealed shut and you will be expelled from this Academy."

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