Fight Club

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A few weeks have passed since that first day, I'm doing fairly well in my classes. Physics makes me have to work a little harder than what I'm used to but I love a good challenge.
Ashley however doesn't. But it's fun to watch her complain about the work while still doing the work.

My art class is interesting to say the least after that first day in class I asked the professor if he did in fact have a brother and he did! It was my physics professor, so I was right all along.

I'm glad I actually went up and asked him because there was no way I would've concentrated without knowing, my curiosity and anxiety never would've allowed that.

But my art professor is a little odd like I was saying it seems like he wants to teach us but also like he's better than us?

Like he knows half of us are doomed to fail in any career as an artist and the other half are going to be brilliant and our paintings are going to sell out for millions of dollars. But he isn't quite sure which half is going to do what so he treats us all like shit and intelligent artists.

It's odd and fascinating to watch.

At school I've gotten into the particular habit of people watching more than ever before. College students lives are just so much more interesting than high school students could ever imagine.

The gossip here is next level involving divorces and pregnancies and everything else, not just a constant he said she said bickering.

And the best part is no one gives me two glances, even the guys which kind of sucks I guess but I don't think I'd wanna relationship this early on in my college life or in my life in general...

Which my mother keeps hinting at me to find some boyfriend while I'm at college, so at least I would have someone to bring home for the holidays. Which is also why I've been avoiding her calls lately. Eh, she'll get over it or she won't, either way it's not my obligation to make her feel good. I'm only obligated to worry about my own emotions and feelings.

My therapist would be so proud of me. I'm building boundaries and focusing on myself. Go me!

Right now I'm currently in my apartment just trying to relax since I have no classes for the next two days so I'm taking the time to relax and do work. School work that is, it's not like I have an actual job.

I'm pretty lucky in that department, my parents pretty much pay for everything and give me an allowance. Which I guess most people would see as a good thing but I don't want my parents to always pay for me.

But this is what my parents have always done, I've always been a lonely only child, I've even been bought off with different things ever since I was born. I think that's why I used to over eat when I was younger, anytime I was upset and unhappy my parents weren't there for me but food was.

I was thrown out of my thoughts via the phone obnoxiously ringing and scaring the crap out of me. With a sigh I answer the phone.

"You wanna do something tonight?" Ashley asked almost immediately once I had finally answered her call.
"Depends on your definition of fun?"
"Ha.ha. You're so funny. But seriously, I've got some intel that I wanna see if it's true or not," she told me.

Ashley was a high level gossip, and we were almost constantly checking out things people had told her. So I doubt this would be any different but for some reason she sounded way more excited about this.

"What the intel? And whose it about?" I asked not wanting to get into anything that could be potentially dangerous.
"Some of our professors apparently have a side hustle..." she hinted.
"You're not gonna tell me the full truth are you?" I ask with a sigh.
"Nope. So are you in?" She asked again.

Yes, ProfessorWhere stories live. Discover now