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Jade POV
Me, the Cullens, the 2 hales and Bella where playing baseball. I was currently 4 months pregnant with twins so I looked like I was 8 months pregnant. I had black leggings on, a white shirt, black shoes and one of Emmett's jackets on. Bella and Edward pulled up, Esme walked up to her "we need an empire." Emmett shouted "she thinks we cheat." "Oh I know you cheat." He just gave us his famous grin "call them as you see them." Rosalie was up first. She hit it pretty far "now I understand why you need the thunder, that must be a home run." "Edwards pretty fast" he threw the ball and Esme caught it hitting the concrete rhombus just before Rosalie and Bella being her "you're out." Rosalie wasn't happy. She walked over to me and crouched down to kiss my swollen belly. She stood back up and kissed me on the lips. "How's my babies doing?" I laid my head on her chest "they've been kicking a lot" "is it painful?" "Sometimes" she kissed my forehead "ohh I'm sorry baby" "you're not the one that got me pregnant." We heard Alice shout "STOP, they were leaving but then they heard us." Edward wrapped his arm around Bella "put your hair down" Rosalie snorted "I can smell her across the field." Most of the Cullens where in front of me. The dark skinned man spoke up first. "I believe this belongs to you I'm Laurent, this is Victoria and James" Carlisle didn't even answer him. "your hunting activities have caused us some troubles, we remain a resident nearby." The ginger head spoke up "we lead them south so you should be fine." "Could you used 3 more players?" "A few of us where now leaving you could take their spots" "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball." "I think we can handle that" Edward, Bella, me and Rosalie where about to leave but the wind blew our hair. The blonde haired James sniffed and looked down at my stomach "you brought a few snacks" Rosalie pushed me behind her and Emmett jumped next to her "the girls are with us." "We can see the game is over we must go, James." They all left and we all got into the cars speeding to the Cullens.

As soon as we arrived, Emmett helped me out of the car. I tuned out for most of the conversation but I knew me, Bella, Jasper and Alice where going to Phoenix. So I kissed Emmett and Rosalie, they both kissed my stomach "hopefully this will all blow over soon." We all agreed. Me and Bella got in the back, I fell asleep straight away. While Bella kept on calling mum. We pulled up to the hotel and got one room, Alice got a vision of mine and Bella's old ballet studio. When Alice Jasper went downstairs Bella got a phone call about something. She hung up and said "mums in trouble." So we both got into a cab to the ballet studio. We heard mum shout " BELLA, JADE WHERE ARE YOU?" We followed the screams and it was just a recording we heard from behind us "I can't believe it was so easy to get you guys here." Bella sprayed him with pepper spray and tried to run, but he flung me into a wall. where at least I hit my back against it. I cried out in pain, while he was busy with Bella I quickly messaged Rosalie. Where we were. He picked me up "you smell so nice, I'll leave you until last." He threw me back into the wall where I hit my stomach. We heard a window break it was Edward. Them two started fighting soon the rest of the clan came in. Emmett, Jasper and Alice where dealing with James. I was still in a lot of pain from my back. Rosalie came running towards me, "Jade are you okay? What did he do?" "He flung me into a wall twice the first time I only hit my back the second time I hit my stomach." She lifted up my stomach and it was bruised. "Carlisle, her stomachs bruised" once Emmett heard this and he burnt James body he was right by my side. Carlisle came rushing over "we need to get you home to forks we can't take you to the hospital because of well it's got vampire blood." Emmett picked me up and he ran with Carlisle to forks. Shortly everyone else arrived except Bella and Edward. He checked me out and there was no damage done to the babies.

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