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Lilith spent every moment after Liz left getting ready. She slipped out of the dress to avoid getting foundation on it and went to work. Her hair hung in loose curls, falling just over her shoulders. The makeup was simple but elegant, covering her freckles and imperfections. She swiped a gentle taupe colour over her eye, coloured her lips a light coral pink before colouring her finger nails a similar shade.

She hadn't dressed up like this since her modelling days. That hollow profession never brought her the same confidence that she felt now. It made her feel like a husk, a pretty face. Her personality didn't matter, the sole purpose of the industry was to crush it out of her.

It was 7:50 and she was ready. As ready as she'd ever be anyway. Her mind had been running wild the whole time shot ready. Worries of what was to come in the penthouse, unending anxiety spurred by Liz's comments about James.

She felt better in his company, like the world wasn't in the process of crumbling around her. That wasn't quite right. Her world had already crumbled, she wasn't sure it had ever really stood upright. It had always been in the process of crashing. It was now, as the destruction neared it's crescendo, that everything hovered. James didn't even know but he sauntered through the wreckage of her mind, halting all the crashing.

So, she had a crush. Whatever. A smooth talker like him could make the queen drop her drawers, she certainly didn't have any royal  convictions. It didn't bode well to have infatuations for a dead man but the timing was there. She'd be a dead woman soon enough.

Wrenching high heels onto her feet, she sauntered into the hallway. Devious, slightly but in serious need of help. Lilith gently knocked on room 64. There was a slight shuffle on the other side before the door opened to reveal James. Only, not quite the James she was used to.

Disheveled, every hair was out of place from its usual  perfect slick back against his head. It fell into his forehead which, along with the rest of his face— and his shirt for that matter— was splattered with crimson red. His dark eyes were wide, she was certainly unexpected.

"Lilith!" He exclaimed, looking over his shoulder anxiously, "To what do I owe the pleasure? I didn't expect you until later." He leaned with her when she tried to peak over his shoulder, grinning nervously and drawing the door close to his shoulder. Even his teeth were bloody.

"Is it a bad time?" She asks apologetically.

"It's never a bad time to see you, darling." James assures and her heart does a summersault. "Especially now." Being looked at usually made Lilith one of two things: uncomfortable or pissed off. James' gaze brought neither of those sensations, it made a strange warmth blossom in her chest. He steps forward, pulling the door shut behind him. "I was just.. indulging."

"I can see that." Lilith teased. There was something comforting about treating murder with such a blasé demeanour. As if she hadn't been both dreading and fantasizing about it for months, years. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm on my way up right now and I need a zip."

His eyes brightened, if they could anymore. "I'm at your service." James said with a little bow. Some might think it's foolish to turn your back on a serial killer but Lilith didn't feel a shred of apprehension as she did. That was, anyway, until James carefully swept her hair over her shoulder. His fingers grazed first the nape of her neck and then over her shoulder. "I'm glad to be the one you call on in such an emergency." He hums as his fingers close around the zipper at the small of her back.

"What can I say? You're a capable man." Lilith responds, though her breath catches as his hand rests on the curve of her waist as he carefully raises the zipper up.

"You look radiant." He breathed out as she turns around, "Not that you do not always but this is divinity before me." She's thankful for the foundation as her face flushes red as the blood on his cheeks. Not many sound minded people could be as transfixed by a man mid-murder as Lilith was in that moment. She never claimed to be of sound mind. Her brain was fuzzy, they were close. The tension was palpable between them.

"Thank you.. for the dress. You really didn't need to do that." Lilith said when she finally remembered how to speak, giving him a small smile.

"Of course, I did. Don't be silly." James said as if it was the most preposterous thing he'd ever heard. "It's my pleasure." Silence followed for a moment, they just stared at each other. There was no awkwardness, just temptation in the air.

"I have to go." She realized dumbstruck, remembering she's very nearly running late for her literal interview with the vampire. "Any last tips?"

"Do not let yourself be intimidated." James said decisively, "she can smell fear."

"Lovely." Lilith breathed out, "Hopefully I'll still be alive to see you about that drink later."

James offered a lopsided grin, "Even if you're not, I'll be expecting you." He reached out, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, "Good luck."

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