-Universe takes place in a dystopian world called Theoth, named after the first dictator and the abbreviation of the most valuable weapon in Theoth.-In the Universe, they are separated into three classes; The Dainym (day-nimb) also known as the higher class, the Nightnym (night-nimb) aka the lower class, and the Eclipsenyms (eclipse-nym) aka technically the middle class and are usually only made to provide for the Dainyms.
-The most valuable object and also the reason why all the Dainyms have been granted their role is because of a group of animals known as Daimoths (They are moths of all pale colors except black). What makes these animals extremely valuable is that their powerful eyes can be collected to be used to power daily items (such as microwaves and toasters). Emperor Theo, aka the first dictator of Theoth discovered that they can also be used in military warfare and weapons and started using them. This is the reason why Daimoth hunting is so common nowadays and also the reason why the small group of moths are quickly going extinct. This meant that they became even more valuable the more they disappeared.
-Those who were fortunate during Daimoth huntings were given the Dainym class so their descendants pretty much didn't suffer from the pain of hunting tiny moths. Nightnyms either were not so fortunate during their hunting, didn't try hunting at all, or their ascendants left them in a shitty spot 💀