Chapter one <3

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Hi everyone I just wanted to say that there will be Smut and cussing.


enjoy :)


Denver in the summer was always beautiful. The gentle glow brought on by the sun hitting the mountains, and the blooming flowers. People seemed to smile brighter too. Perhaps it was because the promise of ice cream and picnics were on the horizon, or maybe just the warmer weather. 

However, that Monday morning on May 8th 1978, there was no warm sun in the sky. It was a freak cold day in the middle of a dry spell, and to make matters worse, it was your first day of work.

You had been hired just last week to work for the local hardware store as a summer job. It wasn’t great, but it payed fairly well, and it wasn’t far from your parent’s house so you made it work. In the long run, it was a great deal; you could stay with your family for free while saving up for college in the fall. It was a win win.

You checked your wrist watch and walked a little faster when you saw the time. You didn’t want to be late for your first day- you hadn’t even met the manager yet and didn’t want to make a bad impression.

The shop came into view, and you strode up to the door and quickly rapped on it as you pulled your jacket closer. You were glad you had packed pants with you when you came to stay with your folks, otherwise you would have caught cold by now. 

A minute passed, then the door swung open and you  nearly leapt inside. You looked up at the person who had opened the door, and froze for a full second as you were struck speechless. It was his bright blue eyes that struck you first.

“You alright?” He had said with a light laugh that both set you at ease and sent you into a spiral of embarrassment.“N-no I’m so sorry sir. I’m y/n l/n I’m starting work today?” You held out your hand and gave him a smile. You pretended that you weren’t completely transfixed by his gaze and forced yourself to blink at a normal rate. You knew you were blushing even in the cold.

“Right, John told me. Come on in.” He stood aside for you and you hurried past him, “My name’s Albert Shaw. I’m the manager. You can just call me Al if you want, no need for ‘sir’.” He said gently. He seemed tired, but sweet in a quiet way.You had to admit you had a soft spot for the older man already.For the rest of that first day, you followed him everywhere and listened to each thing he told you about the shop. You thought you heard one of the other workers, Bradley, whisper something about you being a puppy, but you ignored it. You weren’t the biggest fan of the other three you worked with - Sally, Bradley and Chris. You could tell they got on Albert’s nerves a great deal, though he did his best to not yell. Almost instantly, you could also tell that they were not the biggest fans of Albert either.Sure he seemed a little quirky and quiet with his funny little laughs and jokes here and there, but you were like that too. You kept to yourself and were often the odd man out, so you understood him well. He didn’t leer or speak to your co-workers badly, so you decided to take whatever your co-workers said with a grain of salt.Besides, you liked his voice. It was soft and friendly, and he tilted his head to the side a little when he spoke.

You liked him immediately.Not a week into working with him, you had found yourself almost looking after him everyday. You had noticed he often didn’t bring lunch, and so you always included an extra portion just in case. Of course you never made a big scene of it, just leaving a sandwich and some snacks on his desk when he would be out in the shop. But he knew it was you. He would always send you a small, shy smile and a nod.Then you started to notice the bruises and scratches on his arms. He had brushed it off by telling you about his large dog, Sampson, and that had been enough for you. You knew he was a big boy and could take care of himself, but you still worried. Ever since he had mentioned Sampson, you would bring him a small bag of treats for him on Fridays. Albert had insisted you didn’t bother, but you could tell he was alone, and insisted harder. “Albert if you don’t take these and give them to that pup I’m going to follow you home and give them to him myself.” You almost stamped your foot. Almost.

the grabber x reader imagines,smuts and one shots from TumblrWhere stories live. Discover now