Part two

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Hey everyone!

As requested multiple times here's a part two to my original oneshot.

I hope you like it & let me know what you think!

Happy reading!
Nat xx

Cheryl didn't remember what happened after she managed to destroy the comet hurdling towards Riverdale. She didn't remember her friends finding her passed out in Pops parking lot and she didn't remember them putting her in bed.

When she woke up her mind should have been occupied with with what happened with the comet or the way her body ached from the impact of hitting the ground, but it wasn't.

There was only one thing on her mind or more accurately one person.


After the way they left things she was desperate to talk to the brunette, but she was also terrified. Terrified of the rejection that could come now that the world wasn't ending and they weren't forced to acknowledge everything they wanted before death.

Cheryl hadn't even spoken to Heather yet.

Her heart sunk a little. Heather had been nothing but good to her. She supported her when she needed it and she is an overall good person.

Cheryl felt like shit.

But she had to tell her the truth.

The redhead closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. She had so much to deal with she couldn't stop the dark flickering thought that entered her head.

Maybe it would have been easier if the comet hit.

She shook her head at her intrusive thought. She didn't believe that. Without giving herself another moment to overthink she pulled back the duvet and got out of bed.

Looking down at her body she realised she was in her pyjamas. Heather must have changed her clothing. She pulled on her robe that was hanging on the back of her door; the memory of Toni sliding it off her body made her shiver and with a final breath she opened the door to head downstairs.

What Cheryl didn't expect was for all of her high school friends to be sat in her lounge waiting for her, including Toni and... Fangs. Her eyes found Toni's straight away before looking at the arm draped over her shoulder.

'Cheryl!' Heather let out a relieved breath as she rushed over to her placing a soft kiss on her lips. 'Come, sit down. How are you feeling?'

'I'm okay,' Cheryl said quietly, her eyes down towards the ground as the guilt ate her alive.

'You did it Cheryl,' Betty said. 'You saved the town'.

'Yeah, against all odds you did it,' Jughead added.

'You're a hero!' Archie said, 'the whole town is grateful to you'.

'They needn't be,' Cheryl said. 'I did what had to be done'.

Heather sat on the couch arm next to her placing a soft hand on her shoulder. A hand that she once found comfort in now felt like it was suffocating her.

'Babe, we should go tell the serpents Cheryl's all right,' Fangs said and just hearing his voice made the redhead cringe.

'I'm gonna stay here a little longer, but you can go if you'd like?' Toni said quietly.

'Are you sure?' Fangs asked and Toni nodded. 'All right well I'll see you at home'.

Fangs said his goodbyes to everyone before leaning down and placing a kiss on Toni's lips, one that lasted a beat longer than she expected.

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