Doctor, Doctor Who?

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"Aurora? Aurora!"

The four year old me giggled, and continued to peek at my young father through a bush.

"Aurora, i'm gonna find you!" he laugh's, looking around. I looked around and looked at the statue of a boy in confusion, it was facing the other way before.

I walked up to it and touched it's face, "Aurora!" I heard my dad scream.

I turned, my dressed making a swish noise in the air and I looked around the back yard of father, "Papa?" my young voice called, but he was no where to be seen.

That was the last time I saw my dead, and the statue of that young boy, oh how my mother cried and mourned, but she slowly forgot about him, but yet, my little mind never forget.

It could never forget, that my father, was kidnapped by moving statues.


"Aurora!" I laughed, stopping and turned to Dean, "Yes darling?" I mocked him, he huffed, "Rory, you're meant to wait for me!"

"Well, if you weren't so slow, you would have been with me" he roll's his eyes, "Heard anything about Debbie?"

"Nope, she's gone, it's like she just vanished into thin air" I sighed.

I'm sixteen, my name is Aurora Bishop, my nick name is Rory or Bishop. I guess you could say, i'm a odd teenager, I prefer to read to partying, I prefer blue or red to pink or purple. I prefer adventure's by myself than with other's.

Oh, and my top word is 'Oh' or it can be 'Shit'... Mostly because of me alway's finding trouble, my clumsiness or just anything really.

So yes, I alway's fall in the dead centre of trouble, embarrassing and awkward moment's.

"Rory, get your head out of the cloud's!" Dean yell's.

I snap out of staring at the ground, "What did I do now?" I whined.

"We need to go to Debbie's, something wrong, I can feel it" "Are you sure it isn't indigestion again?" I chuckled.

He scowl's at me, "Fine, since you obviously don't care about our friend, i'll go alone" he storm's off.

"Drama queen..." I mumbled, "Wait up Dean!" I laughed and chased after him, well, let's go and see what's up with the 'mysterious' disappearance of Debbie Lock's.


We stare up at her house, it was pitch black. And the night's air surrounded us, "I bet she's just ditching school" I say's.

"Then why isn't there any house light's on?" Dean question's me.

"Family holiday?" I asked him.

"No, she would have told us"

I frowned, she would have too.... something's wrong here.

I saw comething move from the corner of my eye, "Dean, let's go. We'll come back in the morning" I say nervously.

"Is the adventurous Rory Bishop, scared?" Dean smirk's at me.

I scowl, "No, we need to go though. Your mum's probably worried" he roll's his eyes, "It'll take ten minutes, tops"

"No, Dean!" I yelled, but he was already at the back door and I hurry after him. He grip's the door handle and it open's.

He give's me a crooked grin, "See, if they didn't want us in, they would have locked the door" and with that, he walk's in through the door.

I groaned, and now, add breaking and entering into my little biography about myself. I hurried after him, I might as well go and try to drag the idiot out of the house.

"Dean!" I hissed and followed him. I stopped at the door and looked in, "Dean! Get back here!" "Her room's this way!"

"Of for crying out loud!" I chased after him.

I ran into Debbie's room and skidded to a stop, "What the..." Dean and I stared at the statue that was around the height of my waist, "What is it?"

"A statue" Dean chuckles.

"No, it isn't just any statue" I rolled my eyes and stepped forward, touching its smooth surface, "It's a clown" I whisper.

"Wait, wasn't Debbie-" "Afraid of clown's? Yes, she was... so, why is it in her bed room?" I questioned, looking around the room.

"And where is she?" I frowned, looking back at the clown statue, "I don't know, but that thing is creepy!" Dean shiver's.

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, we both need to get home... we'll come back tomorrow night at five, okay?"

He nod's and we both walk outside, "See you tomorrow at school" we wave each other off and walked in different directions.

But with each step, I couldn't shake the feeling of something watching me.

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