CH. 8: Emerson

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAH I'M OFFICIALLY SIXTEEN I SHOULD CHANGE MY BIO ON LITERALLY EVERYTHING WOW I'M OLD EEEEEEP that was like two weeks ago, wow. Okay, so I'm sorry that I haven't updated in ten years. It's partially because I got a NEW PHONE YES SO HAPPY anyway, enjoy!! Comment, vote, you know what to do;)

I finally quieted against Sam's chest. My vision was blurry, and I couldn't breathe through my nose. My entire face was puffy, like I'd been stung in the face by a giant bee. Fortunately, it didn't feel like that, though.

Sam's breathing was rhythmic, unlike mine which was ragged, so I focused on making my breathing calm. Soon, our breathing was synched up. His arms were wrapped around me, and we were sitting on the bathroom floor leaned up against the bathtub. I sat between his legs, on my side, curled up against him.

We stayed like that for a long time.

Sam chuckled at something unspoken, and I craned my neck to look up at him.

"What?" My voice was hoarse.

"I'm just thinking about how we first met," he shook his head, smiling. "We met in the bathroom of that hotel, remember?"

I smiled a little. "Yeah," my reply came as a whisper. "I remember."

"Why were you hiding in the shower?" His smile grew bigger still.

"I thought you wouldn't look there," I shrugged. "I was scared."

"I would have been too," his voice softened, losing the humorous edge to it. He stroked what little hair I had and I felt myself slipping into the serenity of sleep.

I'm so sorry...

I woke up in bed, the smell of coffee wafting around me. A slow smile crept onto my face. I sat up, the bed next to me empty, but still slightly warm. Dean and Ezra were gone. It took me a minute to realize we were in a different room.

"Morning, beautiful," Sam came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, exposing his torso. His hair was wet, dripping onto his shoulders. His anti-possession tattoo was a stark contrast of black on his tanned chest. I admired my boyfriend's abs for a moment or so, just because I could. I crawled out of bed, walking straight to him and giving him a tight hug. His skin was warm as I pressed my cheek to his chest.

"Morning, handsome," I mumbled. I felt myself blush as I said it, the cheesiness of our relationship filling my stomach with bubbles of happiness. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and he sighed. He smelled clean, like Old Spice, and I tilted my head up to kiss him. He pressed his lips against mine, kissing me deeply.

I felt dizzy after the kiss, and was glad Sam's arms were there to keep me steady. He rested his chin on the top of my head. "I'm so glad I met you, Em."

"Me, too, Sam," I sighed contentedly, squeezing his torso a little. "Me, too."

Our little moment ended when there was a knock on the door. Sam went into the bathroom to get dressed and I opened the door in all my early morning glory. Dean and Ezra stood there with brown paper bags of what smelled like bagels.

"We bring you tidings of peace and happiness," Ezra held his bag up as he passed me. I expected to feel a blaze of fury, but instead I was calm, which freaked me out a little.

Okay, Em...

"Hey, guys," Sam came out of the bathroom, wearing a plain gray v-neck and jeans. "So, care to explain last night, newbie?"

Ezra sat on the bed I was just sleeping in and ran a hand through his hair. He looked at me with fear in his big brown eyes, and I wondered why...

...until he started to tell me his story.

It was almost unbelievable. Almost.

But I'd seen some pretty impossible things. I was the impossible. I stayed quiet until he was finished telling me his life story, nodding pensively whenever appropriate.

He took a shaky breath when he finished, avoiding eye contact with me. He stared at his worn boots silently. I watched him, running his words through my mind. The room was so quiet I felt it pressing around me.

"Okay," I said finally.

My supposed brother jumped at the word. "What?"

"Okay," I looked at him. "I believe you."

"You do?"



"I don't know. I just do."

He looked at me in astonishment. In a flash, he was up and hugging me tightly. "Oh my God, Emerson, you have no idea."

"Yeah, okay, not comfortable with the whole hugging thing," I stood there awkwardly as he squeezed tightly.

He let go instantly, backing away a few steps. "Yeah, sorry."

"Alrighty," I broke the awkward pause. "I need some coffee and bagels."

Heeeeeeey pals, how ya deeern? Okay well I or you enjoyed, I had my buddy Devon proof read for me so if it sucks it's his fault. Okay, you know what to do:)

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