Silver Olympic, Gold Olympic, Seasonal, and WHAT?!

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Due to my iPad completely shutting down, as it is 10 years old, I had to replay DragonVale. This also means I lost all the old amazing dragons I used to have but are slowly gaining them back as a gawk at how amazing Deca, the new owner of DragonVale, has made this game turn out. Now, I am playing it on my phone since my iPad is no longer usable but that doesn't make the experience less magical.
Onto breeding.
I got the Daylily dragon, after multiple attempts of trying to breed to get it. Why? The dragon was just so adorable and lovable, I just had to have it! But never would I realize this little dragon would be the asset to many amazing breeding projects.
The Daylily has three elemental types in the game, fire, grass, and air. It is considered a rare dragon, defined by the blue outline around it, which isn't all too big of a fete as a lot of dragons have this outline in the shop and I've got plenty, but I digress.
At the start, the Daylily was giving me nothing but normals. That is, until I bred it with a new array of dragons that could possibly help my goal, and it worked.
By breeding the level 12 shockproof dragon with the level 10 daylily, I got the silver and gold Olympic dragon, silver Olympic happening twice and then the gold Olympic after yet another  1 day 8 hour breeding.
Then, I paired my level 14 earth dragon with the daylily in hopes of getting the rainbow dragon, which is also 2 hours of incubation, just like the seasonal! Yeah kind of a bummer not to get the rainbow, but at least I still got an epic dragon?
Even bigger news, just after putting the seasonal egg to incubate, I decided to breed the daylily with my level 7 salamander dragon, hoping to get possibly a sun? But no! It's better. I got a 2 day 12 hour breeding, and who are the only 2 epic dragons with that breeding time at level 21? The double and triple rainbow dragons!!!!
Who cares about the sun dragon, I already have the solarflare dragon from the event, but the rainbow dragons?! I'm so excited!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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