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The heat of the marketplace was overwhelming in the midday sun. Venders bustled around, pushing their carts or waving banners near the central fountain while patrons of the market tittered and laughed at the antics of street performers, fanning themselves and pretending to be unaffected by the summer humidity.

Imogen clutched the straps of her bag. She dodged parasol after parasol, children running down the ancient cobblestone paths, and husbands who had been talked into shopping trips, now struggling to see over the bags and boxes they carried. Men, women, and children would stop at the shop fronts creating congestion and slowing the flow of people through the village. The back door to the dress shop wasn't far. From where she stood Imogen could see the crevice but getting to the alley would be a hassle, especially if she kept being sideswiped by bustles.

The hobbies of the tourists never stopped amazing her. They would come to the village on the days the farmers market was opened, prod at vegetables and goods, and comment on how they could get them cheaper elsewhere. They'd visit the novelty shops that had popped up to swindle some of their money and leave the broken remains of toys, and unfinished food or wrappers in the streets. Sylvia's boutique was the main attraction due to the quality of her dresses. There was also a magical gem shop and a Jeweler who claimed to specialize in dragon scale and phoenix accessories.

Poacher. Imogen thought, rubbing at the back of her neck.

Poachers were becoming more common as the population boomed. Scales and feathers of varying colors were becoming a sign of wealth. For some of Dragon-kind, it was a good opportunity, red, blue, and yellow scales especially. They grew back quickly and didn't leave them with a weak spot in their armor. Their willingness to part with the scale also eliminated them as a target, usually. And if they chose to remove their scales, which was becoming more common, they were able to blend easier with the human population.

The same couldn't be said about other breeds of Dragon. Beterra was not kind towards anyone with beast blood, particularly the armored and noxium Dragons. It was ironic, the Royal Family was said to be descended from an armored dragon, but that particular claim was praised as long as it didn't present physical attributes. And yet here in the village stood those same people who hated the dragon folk, the avians, and anything else that had claws. They would wear their skins as if they were one of them while desecrating their bodies and relics.

Imogen pulled her hood further down to cover her face. It might have been summer, and hot, but she had her own things to hide. The pin feathers on her neck had begun to bloom and if people saw them...She didn't know. She'd seen how they acted around some of the farmers' children who very clearly had a Dragon parent, but Phoenixes were a little more rare in Beterra. Even the common red and orange were in demand feathers, and much like the drake, they were often poached when they were identified. She couldn't even sell her plume to pay off her step-mothers debts. If she were proven to have possession of even one raw feather she would be watched.

Invisible was better. It was safe.

Moving deeper into the flow of the crowd Imogen followed the path further down the street. She kept as close to the buildings and shop windows as she could be without pressing against the brick, stone, and wood, keeping pace with the couples strolling in front of her. She stayed back several feet to avoid any suspicious looks or accusations; though, honestly, the thick fragrance of floral perfumes and musty cologne was enough of a deterrent. The people seemed to bathe in the smells, and Imogen wondered if they'd also decided to forgo bathing as the people of the past had.

Her eyes wandered to the dresses and waistcoats the people around her were showing off. Earth tones, as usual, almost like they were afraid to adorn themselves with jewel-colored dresses outside of parties. Though, that white plume looks like it was expensive. Imogen thought. The woman in front of her probably couldn't afford a jewel tone after buying it...Not from Sylvia anyhow.

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