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Running from the village while remaining unnoticed wasn't as easy as it sounded. Falling back into and blending with the crowd was simple enough, but there was a reason the local residents had nicknamed the area 'The Birdcage'. They were under constant supervision due to the patrons of the market and their social status. The travelers stopping for supplies or a place to sleep, many of whom were Bêstie, had also encouraged the Watchers to become a normal fixture.

Had they just been there for the protection of their lords and ladies it would have been unimportant to remain unnoticed. But, more than a few times when someone of an uncommon pelt, plume, or scale came through they would become a missing person. Imogen was a regular; there was little to no doubt that they recognized her cloaked form and knew exactly where she was going and what she was doing. If they somehow found out about the feathers sprouting from her skin she too would become a missing person.

It had become a balancing act. The Watchers knew she was there, they knew her usual path, and as long as she didn't deviate from it she was just another person in the background. The moment she had stepped out of the crowd too early she came into focus. She was the mystery seamstress who sold dresses to Sylvia's Boutique, one of the most popular shops in the city. Just finding out her name would be worth something. Finding out her name meant her Step-family would find out. And if her step-family found out she would be little more than a tool to launch themselves further up the social hierarchy.

They didn't like her as it was, but they left her alone as long as she didn't bother them first. Imogen would stay on her side of the house and rarely ventured into any of the communal spaces. The kitchen was the only exception, and even then she would rarely run into her step-family. The idea of doing menial tasks such as cooking for oneself was below them. Valentina was ruthless though; if she caught even a hint of opportunity she would seize upon it. Closer proximity also meant there would be a greater chance of being exposed, and harvested from. How high status would they appear if they had a seemingly endless supply of a phoenix's plume?

Imogen hoisted her bag higher on her shoulders, clutching the straps in a white knuckle grip. The thought of being plucked several times a year, being imprisoned by her stepmother, and being forced to give birth in hopes of producing more phoenix offspring was horrifying. Being sold off and sent to a collector would be bad enough. But honestly, which would be worse? Being tortured by a stranger in a strange place, or being tortured by a person who was supposed to be family? Her brothers and sister were also important to consider. If she were just stolen off the street she doubted her step-family would claim her which kept her siblings out of trouble. But if she were enslaved in her own home...What was to stop Valentina from hiring help to capture her brothers and keep Alyssa locked away?

The invading thoughts were disrupted by the sudden sound of crunching. There were footsteps behind her. If she were just outside of the village it wouldn't have been such a worry, but she was approaching the country road. The one that would split and lead her towards her home, or take her an extra hour through the forest, past an abandoned manor, and many other places she would never be found. The path would also split many times in the forest and she wasn't familiar enough with it to navigate her way too deep in...

Sylvia had really given her a large amount of supplies. The rucksack seemed heavier with the trimmings, jewels, and buttons than it had with just the dresses and accessories. If worse came to worst she could likely hurl the sack at the person following her and go off the path. It would be worth something and would likely be a more attractive prize than chasing a suspicion.

Imogen took the split on the road, speeding up her pace gradually. In the forest path she wouldn't be running into anyone. It would also be up to chance whether or not she managed to lose the follower, but it also wouldn't be leading them directly back to her home.

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