Iidabaku and Kirideku

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Iida's Pov
As of right now, classes would have finished for the day. Bakugou is still sleeping, he's laying on top of me and he is snuggled into my chest while I am reading a book on my phone. Aizawa came in a few minutes ago to check up on us and he said he'd stay and keep us company for a bit while Mic was finishing up some extra classes he was teaching. He said if Bakugou wanted, he and Mic or just him alone could sleep in the room with us, it was a big room with many hospital beds, as many as the amount of students in the class and Four regular king size beds for if something like this ever happened and a teacher or two has to sleep with the kids. This whole specific room was for class  1-A.
I am disrupted by a knock on the door which me and Aizawa look at each other. Aizawa then gets up and walks over to the door, he opens it, but not fully so whoever was there could not see me or Bakugou.
"Aizawa-Sensei, who is it?" I ask cause he was out there for awhile. "It's the dekusquad and the bakusquad, do you want them to come in?" Aizawa asks. "Give me a second let me ask Bakugou." I say slightly loud.
I feel Katsuki move in my hold a little and then his eyes open up, still looking tired. "Katsuki" I say, "Hmm?" Is all he replied with, "The deku and Baku squads are here. You okay with them coming in?" I ask. "Y-yeah, 's fine" He says tiredly as he readjusts his body on me properly, (he's still lying on Iida, he just moved slightly to get more comfortable. His legs are on either side of Iida's legs and he is till laying on Iida's chest).
"Aizawa, Bakugou said it's fine" I say. "Alright" Aizawa said and opened the door fully. I then see both the deku and baku squads rush in. As soon as they see Bakugou bandaged up a little (recovery girl healed the cuts but some left some scabs and the ones that were deep were still bleeding earlier, she didnt what to diminish all his energy at once, and some regular healing would be good for him too.) , their jaws drop. They then take in the position we are in, "Oo, Iida going for your crush I see." Ururaka said suggestingly.
"Bakubaby" Mina gasps at our position. "Is he alright?" She asks. "Yeah he will be fine, a little scared but that's about it." I reply.
Mina then bends over us and gives Katsuki a kiss on his cheek. He blushed a little and I chuckled at this. "You're going for your crush, I see Bakubro" and Kirishima winks at me.
"Is that so Katsuki?" I say as I smirk at him. "Y-Yes" he replies and hides his face in my chest. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I ask hopeful and in a slightly dominant tone. "Yes, of course Iida" he says, I kiss him softly on the lips and then full away.
The fangirling in the room was crazy, even Aizawa smiled at us. This went on for a bit, and some teasing to Bakugou.

Bakugou then remembered what Kirishima said earlier. "You're talking, at least my crush knows I like him, just tell deku you like him already." Katsuki says and I full out laugh. "Midoriya, tell him you like him back" I said out. Both Midoriya and Kirishima blush and look at each other. "You want to be my boyfriend?" both Kirishima and Midoriya ask at the same time. "Yes!!" They both yell at eachother.
The fangirling then started again and so did the teasing, but not just for me and Bakugou, also for Midoriya and Kirishima.

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