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8:30 AM

"Ai Ning, come on, we're going to be late." King called out from the bathroom.

He finished putting on his shirt and walked out to see Ram still laying down in bed. King noticed that Ram was breathing heavily and was sweating a lot. King walked over to him and softly shook his shoulder. Ram's eyes opened slowly, and he turned to look at King. 

"Ai Ning, are you ok?"

King reached out his hand and placed it on his forehead.

"Shia, you're burning up."

King took out his phone and texted Bohn.

'Hey Bohn, I can't make it today. Ram has a fever. Tell the others as well.'

King quickly left the room and filled a bowl of water and grabbed a towel. He brings it back to the bedroom and soaks the towel and places it on Ram's forehead. Ram let out a small sigh as the towel made contact with his skin. King placed a hand on Ram's cheek and caressed it with his thumb. When King removed his hand, Ram grabbed it and placed it back.

"Cold." Ram muttered out.

King smiled and offered his other hand. He felt Ram nuzzle into it and he smiled at his cuteness. He doesn't know how long he's been sitting but he eventually gets up and pulls the covers over Ram. He heads to the kitchen and starts to prepare some soup and grabs some medicine and a glass of water for when Ram wakes up.

While the soup is heating up, King goes back to the room to check on Ram. He sees that Ram had thrown all the covers off him. King sighs in annoyance and places the covers back on Ram only for him to thrown them off again.

"Ram, you need to keep the covers on." King muttered and pulled them back on once again.

He takes the towel off Ram's head and soaked it into the cold water and places it back. He sees that Ram calmed down and strokes his raven black hair. He places a quick kiss on Ram's head and goes back to the kitchen to check on the soup. He sees that it's done and puts it in a bowl. He carefully brings the soup, medicine, and water to the bedroom and places it on the bedside dresser.

King sits next to Ram and stares down at his sleeping face. He brings his hand over and caresses his cheek. He could feel that Ram was still a little warm, but not burning up. He removed his hand and continued to stare at Ram's face until he could feel a wave of exhaustion wash over him.

'I'll just close my eyes for just a minute' King thought as he laid down and slowly closed his eyes.

1:00 PM

Ram slowly opened his eyes and saw King lying next to him. He felt the towel on his forehead and slowly sat up and placed the towel on the bedside dresser. He saw the bowl of soup and the medicine as well and looked back at King and smiled. Normally, it would be him taking care of others. But with King taking care of him, it was a nice feeling.

King felt the bed move and opened his eyes and saw Ram staring down at him.

"You're awake. How do you feel?" King asked, rubbing his eyes.

He sat up and felt Ram's forehead.

"You're still a little warm. I made you some soup. I'll heat it up for you."

King got up and took the bowl with him. Ram watched him and had a small grin on his face. King came back a few minutes later and gave the bowl to Ram.

"Careful, it's hot. Eat something then take the medicine."

King sat back down next to Ram and watched as he started eating. He managed to finish the whole bowl. King grabbed the medicine and handed it to Ram. Ram put the pill in his mouth and King handed him the water. He drank half the glass and sat it back down. Ram laid his head down on King's shoulder.

"Thank you."

King smiled and wrapped his arm around him, his hand stroking Ram's hair.

"No problem."

RamKing One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now