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Dean looked up from his book for a moment as Seth typed away on his laptop. Dean never understood why people were so fascinated by staring at a screen for hours on end. What did they even find to do for that long?

"God damn it!!" Seth suddenly shouts, his fist coming in contact with the table his laptop was sitting on

"What's up?" Dean asks from where he's sitting

"My laptop's frozen again!!" Seth explained "It always happens when I'm doing something important"

As Seth stood up and made his way to the bathroom, Dean suddenly had a good idea

''What the hell is this?'' Seth asked as he made his way back over to his laptop

Dean had crudly wrapped a scarf around the screen of the laptop "Now it's warm. Problem solved"

"That's not even..." Seth couldn't help but grin as he thought of how to explain to Dean that the laptop wasn't actually frozen from the cold

"Try it" Dean insisted. "I bet it'll work"

Seth sat back down and decided to humour Dean for a while longer. To his amazement, the laptop had actually unfrozen.

"Fixed it didn't I?" Dean asked proudly

Dean was not a technically savvy person, so he figured he could give him this one small victory. After all, what was the point in arguing otherwise?

"Yes Dean you fixed it" Seth replied with a smile

''And everyone says i'm no good with technology'' Dean mumbled as he continued to read his book

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