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"shining just for you"

Despite the chaos that had been surrounding them, McGonagall had still been allowing Quidditch matches to take place, and that weekend, was another Slytherin match.

"Good morning, everyone!" Theo exclaimed as he walked into the Great Hall that morning, a smile on his face. He helped himself to a big bowl of porridge, "we are going to ace this."

Pansy rolled her eyes, "we have done no training Theo, I don't think we will even score once!"

"You should have more hope in me!" Daphne took another bite of her toast, "I might be able to score."

"Might-," added Astoria, "that being the keyword." She teased her sister.

"Well," Daphne grinned, "thanks for taking my map shift anyway," she turned to Draco and Astoria, "both of you."

"Try and get one in," said Draco, "we really can't lose against Hufflepuff."

"Well, it's up to Imelda to get the bloody Snitch," Blaise looked over at the nervous girl sat over at another table. "Would be better if we had you Draco..."

"Watch out," Astoria laughed, "Theo might bring out his puppy dog eyes to convince you."

"Maybe Ismelda might have a small accident, and you would have to step in?" Theo looked over at Draco, "wouldn't that be a shame?"

Draco nodded, "don't think Ismelda would approve of it."

"Boohoo for her." Blaise rolled his eyes, "she's only on the team because we have no one else.

"Could probably say the same to you, to most of you." Astoria stated. It was no news to anyone that the Slytherin team was a shambles. Ever since their last year, the team had suffered. Members were either dead, too afraid to return to Hogwarts, or had given up on their education entirely. Barely any of the original team remained, and as much as the same could be said for the other Hogwarts Houses, Slytherin had by far suffered the greatest losses.
Many of them had turned to supporting He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, resulting in their inevitable deaths, or incarceration for those who had committed the worst of crimes. Other houses could not say the same.

"It would be nice to win, finish our time here with some kind of success."

Astoria motioned over the jars of house points, "and it certainly won't be the House Cup." She looked at the almost empty jar, the radiant red of the Gryffindor points casting a shadow over them.

"Bloody Gryffindors." Blaise rolled his eyes.

"Channel some of that anger in the match then."

It would be good if they could come out with a win, even if it was against the weakest team.

And so, the team made their way down to the pitch, watching as McGonagall sent the Dementors further out into the sky, creating a safe playing space for the two teams. Everyone flooded into the stands, Draco and Astoria taking a seat on the Slytherin side.

"I should probably explain as we go along," Draco began as the teams set themselves up.

Astoria nodded, "I still couldn't tell you who does what." She looked out onto the pitch, hunting for Daphne.

Draco pointed Theo, "so Theo is the Keeper, he has to keep the Quaffle out."
That was simple enough for her.

"And now, the Chasers are the ones who throw the Quaffle around, so that's Daphne, Malcom and Graham. They have to score the goals," he pointed out as the game began, the Quaffle being grabbed by Malcom, weaved through the opposing team. "Pansy and Blaise are the Beaters, they have to stop," he reached up, pointing at the ball heading straight towards Pansy, "that ball from hitting the team. And Ismelda, has to catch the Snitch."

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now