Did You Love Me? Part 2

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Promo: part 2 of DYLM read that part first :)
Sorry for mistakes too lazy to check

One months later

It's been a month since Selena and Niall told the three year old that Niall is his real father but the toddler isn't to understanding, "James who am I again?" Niall asked his son while playing cars with him "Niall" Niall put his down shaking his head "no buddy I'm your dad" "no my dad no here" James whispers rubbing his eyes "Niall stop" Selena says walking into the living room, the jet head picked her son up and James laid his head on her shoulder cuddle her neck "I want him to call me dad" "no" James whispers "you need to give him time you can't push him to say something he's not comfortable with" Niall nodded smiling slightly at the toddler

"Mommy why Niall keep saying he daddy mine?" James asked Selena walked back over to her son and got him undressed and put him in the warm tub "because he is your daddy, you don't remember me telling you?" The dirty blonde baby shook his head playing with his yellow and blue ducks "will maybe you don't because I stopped telling you when you turned 2" the toddler nodded "I don't want a daddy" James whispers Selena frowned picking her sons he's up "why baby?" James looked back to his ducks, Selena waited for her toddler to talk again, "I like only mommy and me, a daddy will take my mommy" he whispers picking his duck up and putting it back in the water "amor Niall isn't going to take me away from you" "he all did" he whispers looking at his mother "no baby no he didn't" Selena says feeling her heart brake, she didn't know her son was feeling left out but it wasn't Niall's fault either she's been busy in work and when she gets home James is in bed already "James corazón, mommy been busy in work Niall isn't taking me away" the toddler didn't say anything and just played with his ducks and bubbles

"I'm back are my favorite two people hungry" James ran into the kitchen jumping "I'm hungry! Niall me" Selena smiled slightly "okay I'll get your food" Niall got James food and sat him down and the toddler digging into his food "hey what's wrong?" Niall asked Selena placing a kiss on her cheek "James told me he doesn't want a dad" Niall looked at the toddler and frown "why?" "He thinks your going to take me away from him" Selena whispers "it always been only us two his not used to sharing me.." Selena added Niall nodded "what are we going to do? I'm not going to give up" Niall says grabbing Selena's hand and placing a kiss on her cheek, "I don't know....I just guess we have to give him time" the two looked back to the toddler drinking his juice kicking his little feet

Three months later

"Mommy are you okay?" Baby James asked his mother that was in bed with a red runny nose and her eyes close with her arm cross her face "no baby mommy is sick" she answers removing her arm and looking over at her son "but...mommys don't get sick....mommys are strong" he says looking at his mother with big sad eyes "oh baby, I know your upset but don't worry mommy is strong she feels better look" Selena says sitting up and getting out of bed and sneezing "no mommy!" The toddler yelled pushing his mother back on the bed "you sick very sick...where's daddy" Selena smiled biting her lower lip "baby you just called Niall daddy" the toddler looked at his shoes and back to his mothers big brown ones "me know...it will make you happy...me heard you saying that to grandma" Selena picked the toddler up kissing his forehead and moving the hair out his eyes "not only me but for Niall...but amor don't say it if you don't want to" the toddler nodded claiming into his mother "me want...I like having a daddy...a daddy makes mommy happy" he says caressing Selena's cheek "well Niall as a daddy makes me happy and I'm glad he makes you happy amor" Selena says grabbing the toddlers hand "where is he?" The toddler asked again "he's working baby" the toddler nodded "me have to go to daycare?" Selena sighed looking at the clock seeing she only had 10 minutes to get his bag ready and change the toddlers outfit, because the blue eyes baby decided to dress himself "uh no baby not today" the toddler cheered in a whisper because he was scared he was going to scare his mommy,

"Selena, baby wake up!!" Niall yelled shaking Selena "no mommy! Sick" James yelled grabbing Niall's hand "what?" Niall asked and stopped shaking Selena who started to wake up "mommy sick" James whispers and sees his mother rubbing her eyes "no you woke my mommy! Daddy no!!" James yelled getting into bed with his mother "hi baby" Selena whispers her voice hoskier then usual "daddy woke you" he whispers and Selena looked over and sees Niall smiling like an idiot "really?" She asked smiling and looked back to the toddler "yes he hugged me and almost cry me don't know why" Selena chuckled and felt Niall's arms around the two and his face cuddled agents her neck "his finally calling me daddy baby" Selena smiled whispering "I know babe"

"Daddy stop me help mommy" "okay little man fine you help mommy" Niall says smiling so big he felt his cheeks hurt but he couldn't stop smiling "here mommy look" James says giving his mother the hot tea which Selena was surprised James brought it to her "oh thank you baby, wasn't it too hot?" James smiled nodding his head no "daddy brought it up and me bring it now" he says cuddling her arm and kissing her arm "I can't believe he still does that at most 4 years old" Niall says taking a seat beside Selena's waist wrapping an arm around her "you still do it after all these years" Selena smirked taking a drink from her tea "but that's non of my business" she says drinking a sip and laughing "shut up" Niall says leaning over and placing a kiss on her cheek "me go play" James says and runs off "I feel whole now" Niall says kissing her cheek "I'm glad..now go play with your son while I take a nap because my headache is killing me and I work tomorrow" Niall chuckled pleasing the mug down "I called you out for two days so your fine and 'me' also" Selena giggled hitting Niall's arm "don't make fun of your sons voice" Niall chuckled kissing her head "rest baby"

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