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The gang had moved their protest outside of school to gather more people.All the werewolves had joined the protest, mainly because it was their alpha and beta's orders, but also because they figured that zombies are just like them.

They would get a few comments like "Are you crazy?!", "They are dangerous!", and "We already let werewolves in, zombies are crossing the line!"But just like the other comments, they didn't care.

"Hey?"A boy walks up to them."What is this about?"He asks.

"We found out that zombies are being tested on, so we started a protest to get them out.Care to join?"Addison explains as she holds out a sign.The boy was hesitant at first but he took it."Free the zombies!Zombies are safe!"They chant.

At almost the end of the day, they had about 80 members."Okay everyone!"Willa announced."You guys should get some rest and we will pick up tomorrow!"The wolves howl and everyone walks back to their houses.

"Do you guys think that we have enough people?"Bree asks."Probably, yeah, but we want to get as many people as possible."Everyone agrees and goes to their houses.

In the Lab

Eliza wakes up from her sleep.She yawns and looks up.She freezes to the person standing there."Wyatt..."She ran up to him."You came back!"She had tears of joy."I did... even though you don't deserve it."

Eliza looks at him, confused."What?"Wyatt's face turned into an evil smirk."The lab worker was right!"He laughs."I only said those things so you won't hurt me.Zombies should be in here.You guys are nothing but experiments."

Her tears of happiness turned into sadness.She couldn't believe what she was hearing."You lied to me..."She suddenly grew with anger."I trusted you!"She yells."And you lied!"

Eliza wakes up to reality and screams.She suddenly gets shocked."Just a dream..."She assures herself."Wyatt will not lie."She lays back down, praying to not get the same nightmare.

The next morning

The gang had woken up extra early.They we're going to skip school again, though Addison and Bree's parents are probably going to find out."Okay, everyone should be meeting up in the middle of the town."Addison confirms from a text from one of the members.

They all grab their signs and head to the middle of the town."Okay everyone!"Addison cheers."Let's pick up on what we left off!"They start to march and chant.

After a few hours, they gain 20 more members.The gang decided that was enough people to convince the mayor."And now, drum roll please!"Everyone pats their legs and stop when Addison speaks again."We can now convince the mayor!"Everyone cheers.

Addison's phone started to ring and it was a coincidence that it was her mom.She picks up the phone."Hi mom." "Addison!I got a call that you weren't at school, what are you doing?!"Her mom panicked."Actually mom, we are outside your office now."Missy hanged up the phone and opened the door to her office, seeing a bunch of kids there.

"What is going on?!"

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