Chapter Four

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It was like the moment his lips connected with mine all I could think about was his scent and just... him.

There were no thoughts and all I could concentrate on was the heat between our bodies and the feel of his lips on mine.

The taste of alcohol on his mouth mixed with something sweet. The feel of his body against mine and the heavy beating of my heart.

But all good things come to an end right?

My mind finally registered what was going on and I pulled away from him and shouted, "What do you think you're doing?!".

I could see the confusion on his face and before I knew it he was throwing up on me.

"Oh. My. God!!!", I screamed as the feel of his vomit seeped into my clothes.

I finally managed to calm my self and then I dragged him to the living room of the party and spotted some guys he walked in with and gave him over to them.

I couldn't give a damn about him right now so even if they weren't his friends all I could think of was getting Kim and leaving this party.

I mean I have vomit on my clothes so I think I'm justified as to why I'm not in the party mood anymore.

After telling Kim about what happened she stopped making out with some dude that looked like he was trying to imitate Trey Songz and we went home.

After freshening up I grabbed a yoga pant and a top and went to bed thinking about the best make out session I've ever had but I didn't even get his name.


So where do I begin huh?

This morning I woke up feeling like there was a party in my head which I clearly wasn't invited which I actually knew was coming cause c'mon you can't consume alcohol and not expect your body to retaliate. Last time, ever.

I am still pissed at the guy from yesterday so by around 5 o'clock in the morning I called Kimberly and the first thing I heard was, "Bitch better have my money".

So after I just ranted for fifteen minutes she told me she wasn't paid enough for this but she was on her way and hung up.

She was here in like five minutes from her house which I'm sure she sneaked out the window because her parents are super strict probably why she retaliated by being super restless, at least to them.

Anyway she basically consoled me by bringing ice cream.

"Wow. I can't actually believe you made out with a guy you don't know. That's so teenagey and so unlike you. You don't have to feel so bad about it. I mean if you say it was just a short time before he puked on you, which by the way is super gross, you should just try to forget about it. Atleast you can cross off getting puked on from your bucket list", she joked nudging me.

Yeah because getting puked on was among the things in my bucket list.

I just chuckled and ate my delicious ice cream before saying, "Oh please. I do 'teenagey' things. And there's no such word like teenagey mind you".

"Yeah, sure if by teenage things you mean read in your school textbooks all day and listening to religious music", she replied in a sarcastic tone.

I know she's just trying to get my mind away from the GGPS(Greek God Puke Sitch) and I appreciate it.

"Maybe I'm just over thinking and over reacting", I agreed with her.

She then looked up and silently but not secretively, thanked God for making me shut up which earned her a punch on her arm from me.

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