Michaeng chronicles: 1

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a/n- hiii so I really don't have a title for this one shot or other ones that I think of so I'm just gonna name them Michaeng chronicles. Also in all of these let's just pretend they all live in one big dorm together. Oh and one more thing pretend the fan art is the photo, and credits to the artist<3

Warning very fluffy

Text message from:

My love where are you?

                                                      I'm in the green room


Mina smiles as she put her phone back on her lap. They've been dating for years but she still can't help the blush form onto her face every time they talk. Just then, she sees a head pop in through the door and she held out her hand to pull her girlfriend closer.

"Hi," Chaeyoung's dimple was spotted as she smiles widely.

"Hi," Mina gave her a quick peck on the lips and pulled the closest chair next to her, signaling Chaeyoung to sit. "How did the filming go?" she asked caressing a thumb over Chaeyoung's hand

"It went fine, Sana and Jihyo got to leave early and went on a date," she pouted playfully.

"Awe, you worked really hard didn't you?" Mina looked into her eyes.

"Don't we all," Chaeyoung couldn't resist and placed a soft kiss on Mina's lips

"Babe I just got my lipstick retouched," she sulked, but wasn't serious. She'd never miss a chance to get a kiss from her.

"How much do you have left?" Chaeyoung asked her, yawning loudly.

"Just two scenes, but you're really tired you should go home. Have you eaten yet? Also don't you have to come back tomorrow? And what about the schedule for Milan?" Mina rambled not wanting her lover to overwork herself.

"Nonsense, I already ate earlier, I do have to come back tomorrow, but so do you, and the schedule for Milan isn't until next week. Take a deep breath Mina," Chaeyoung always knew how to calm her worrying down. The members were right Mina was like a mother because she worried a lot.

"Okay okay," she took a deep breath, "I'm done with my makeup let's hurry and get this done,"
In the car

Chaeyoung looked up from her phone to see Mina asleep on her shoulder. She was worried Chaeyoung was overworking herself but never paid attention to her own self.

"You need to rest more baby," she sighed as she kissed the top of Mina's head.

After a few minutes they arrived at the dorm.

"Minari," she gently rubbed her arm, "we're back home." Mina got up and grabbed everything bolting to the door. Chaeyoung just laughed and tried to catch up while thanking the driver. They opened the door to a very normal sight. Sana and Jihyo cuddled up on the couch, Nayeon and Jeongyeon laughing very loudly at the movie they were all watching while sitting on the floor, and Momo sitting in the kitchen with Dahyun on her lap talking to Tzuyu.

"Oh hey Mitang," Sana greeted Mina while Jihyo looked up and waved. Chaeyoung was going to slump on the couch but Mina pulled her somewhere else.

"Where are you going," Jihyo asked, and before Chaeyoung could reply Mina already responded,

"We're going shower," Chaeyoung smiled.

"Together?" now heads were turning everywhere in the house.

"Yes Jihyo she's my girlfriend we take showers together. Plus it saves time, and water." Mina was never usually this blunt. Chaeyoung noticed and immediately knew she was tired and stressed.

"Jeongyeon doesn't that sound like a great idea," Nayeon asked smirking at her partner.

"Nope, don't even think about it," she laughed as Nayeon pouted.

After getting in the shower Chaeyoung pulled Mina closer, and Mina leaned into her touch. Chaeyoung was gonna ask her what was on her mind or what was wrong, but she knew eventually she was going to say something.

"Do you ever notice how many schedules we have? It's not like I don't love my job I do, I really do, but why do I need to go to work every day of the week and not get off until one in the morning. I mean this is what I asked for, and I love doing it. Maybe I'm being too picky about it I don't know. Also when are we gonna tell jyp about this or about any of us? We are almost 7 years in the company I feel like that's long enough. Ugh I don't know everything is so stressful sometimes." Chaeyoung waited for her to finish and kissed her shoulder.

"You worry a lot about things that are for later thought, try not to stress yourself out with the things you can't control. I know you love your job, however you have every right to be stressed about the schedules. It's a difficult job, but you do it flawlessly, and you still manage to look even more beautiful every time." She started washing Mina's hair and kissed her cheek.

"I love you Chaeyoungie," a smile forming on her face.

"I love you more Minari," the younger replied sweetly.

After they showered they decided to go to bed. Chaeyoung looked deeply into Mina's eyes pushing her hair out of her face.

"God Mina how do you become more beautiful each second," Mina blushed and covered her face giggling. Chaeyoung moved her hands out of the way, "I'm serious no one is doing it like you are my love. You are slaying," Mina burst out laughing at the English phrase. She taught it to her a couple of days ago. Chaeyoung was laughing too because she was waiting for the perfect time to use it. After the laughing died down Mina spoke,

"Let's talk about you Ms. Chaeyoung. How do you manage to look good all the time? You even look good first thing in the morning when you wake up. And why is your face so damn kissable? I just wanna kiss you all the time," she squished Chaeyoung's cheeks and kissed her lips. They talked and laughed a little more until Chaeyoung dozed off, falling asleep while Mina was humming. The latter noticed and leaned up to kiss her nose and then her head,

"Sleep well my chaeyoungie, I love you so much," whispering the last part as she fell asleep.

"Shhhh Nayeon don't be loud we have to get a picture," Jeongyeon fussed. She snapped a photo and sent it to the group chat without Mina and Chaeyoung (basically the group chat for secretly taken michaeng pictures)

                        Michaeng Diary 🐧🐯
        Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Nayeon+7 others

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Jeongyeon: cuties

Jihyo: aweeee this was a good one!!

Nayeon: Oooo it came out good

Sana: gay

Momo: Sana ur gay

Dahyun: so are you momo

Tzuyu: you are all gay, also nice one eonni

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