2. Hello

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I sit there silently while all the other members were busy talking to each other it wasn't something new yet I still hate it.

I know they don't do it on purpose and that my group loves me but I was just like this easily ignored or forgotten my train of thoughts were cut off when wonyoung joined me on the bench

"Hey, you should atleast try to be included in the conversation you know? " She said bumping my shoulder

I smiled at her teasing tone. I was closest to her in the group which is ironic since I'm in the same group as my sister.

"I know, what are you guys talking about anyways?" I ask leaning back on my arms.

She shoot me a look while I smiled sheepishly at her.

"You didn't check your phone since yesterday morning did you?" I shoot her another smile.

"They are talking about the collab with Enhypen well more like simping over their baises but well" She said looking over to the rest of the group who were chatting excitedly.

" Well what about you. Who's your fav" I ask looking at her

"Hmm I don't know. I think all of them are really cool" she said after thinking for sometime.

"What about you? Who's your favourite?" She ask. I think for a second

"Same as you I guess. All of them are great" I answer truthfully since I have seen a lot of there performances and live stage and they have an amazing stage presence.

"Girls let's go. Pd-nim is calling us" Hyein unnie called me and wonyoung over.

"Coming unnie" we called back in unison.

"Let's go maknae" Wonyoung said throwing a arm over my shoulder dragging me with her.


Entering the office I noticed that enhypen were already present there.
Standing in front of Bang-pd's (ayoo hitman bang a/n : sorry I couldn't help it) desk .

"Ahh you guys are here. Go ahead introduce yourself" he said smiling fondly at us.

" Slithering to the top. Hello we are Serpent" we said bowing.

"Connect. We're Enhypen"  After the introduction both groups burst out laughing at the showy introduction.

" Hello I'm park Hyein. I'm the leader of this group and it's an pleasure to meet you" she said bowing.

Jungwon bowed back returning the greeting.

"So as you guys already know. We are thinking of a collab album with both of your groups. So today we are here to discuss the concept of said album" pd-nim said

"Now we kinda have a youth Romance kind of concept in our mind" he said making me think there is something going on in his mind.

"But first I would like you guys to get to know eachother more. So Serpent will be staying in Enhypen dorm for sometime seeing as they have the bigger dorm" He said making me squirm uncomfortably.

I don't think I can handle living with so many people and though I know a little about them from the files and videos I've watched they're practically strangers to me .

But before I could say my thoughts everyone already agreed making me close my mouth.

If they are okay with it. I will be fine I guess.

"Now I've already get extra bad's placed in your dorm. You will each share a room with a member of the other group. It's up to you who you want to share the room with" Pd-nim said dismissing us .

Well looks like it's gonna be a long month for me.

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