League of legends is an amazing freetoplay game and can be found by googling lol game. First thing first about me, i'm a level 21 Mid-Lane-Main and my IGN in ipc628.
First of there is five positions:support(sup), attack damage carry(adc), mid(mid), top(top), jungle(jg).
Characters that play in each position.
SUP: healing support type characters(don't get many kills more assistants though!)
ADC: Ranged character
MID: Burst damage or mage
JG: depends(hardest lane)
TOP: tank of fighter
There are three lanes:
Top-champs who play there:top champs
Mid - Mid champs
Bot- Adc and Sup
There is also a jungle:
Jungling champs play here
Because this is a beginners guide there will not be much more information but I will be posting more info on more specific topics
League Of Legends:For the noob
Actionin this book I explain how LOL works and how to become pro