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BILL - the funny drunk
•has the giggles over nothing
•always makes you laugh
• "y/n.. did y-you sit in a pile of s-su-" "no bill i did not."

STAN - the horny drunk
•his whole body is wrapped around you while he's crying and using your chest as a pillow
• "y/n PLeAsEEeEEeeEe" "stanley you're drunk!" "SO??"
•he eventually falls asleep right as he started giving you a few hickeys- JUST DROPPED FUCKING DEAD 😭😭

RICHIE - the affectionate drunk
•always wanting to hug you
• "momma please can i have a hug 🥺🥺" "alright but keep your alcohol breath out of my face"
•always nuzzles into your neck and you always play with his hair

EDDIE - the stupid drunk
•literally a fucking dumbass
•can not keep his hands off of anything (including you [for balance you nasty hoe])
• "y/n! water!" "eddie please don't throw it again!"

MIKE - the clueless drunk
•no thoughts, head empty
•doesn't have a clue what's going on
• "my ears are hearing colors and i'm seeing sounds y/n.."

BEN - the clumsy drunk
•tripping over everything
•knocks over a vase of your favorite flowers
• "Y/N IM SO SORRY!" "ben it's fine!"

BEVERLY - the emotional drunk
•will cry over anything and everything
• "y/n the bird left from the treEEhEhhEEHH" "bev, sweetie, it's ok"
•you make her something to eat and then she falls asleep while you two watch a movie <3

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