✰Common Bonds✰

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"You uh... told me 'not to speak if I know what's good for me'. I'm trying to be respectful of you." you say, as the skeleton mentally rewinds its memory and looks a bit embarrassed when it remembers its mistake.

"Oughh! Stop making fun of me! Stupid, stupid human! I wish you never talked at all! It's all your fault I'm like this!" It yelled from still inside the box.

Oh boy, this was gunna be a very long chapter in your book, wasn't it?

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It's been about two hours since you've decided to adopt this tiny skeleton, and he hasn't come out of the box just yet. You'd have to admit that he was a stubborn lil' thing. Every time you'd talk to him, get close to him, or even look at him, he would flip out. You couldn't really put your finger on why. Trauma? Personality? Both? You didn't really wanna ask him at this time, or maybe you didn't even wanna know at all.

It was getting late and you have made absolutely no progress in getting this tiny dude to talk to you, nonetheless move from the spot he's been in for the past hour or so. And, if we're being honest, you're not certain that you'll get there at all. Bet hey, lets not lose hope. You adopted this creature for a reason, and you'll try your hardest to make sure he has a good time here.

"Hey, lil guy, I know we stepped off on the wrong foot today, but I promise that we can do something cool tomorrow, just you and I."

It was silent for a nice while, you thought he had fallen asleep or was too stubborn to answer you. As you went up the stairs to change and go to bed however, you heard the tiniest of voices coming from the box.

"Dust." the tiny person in the box replied. "My name is Dust."

It was so silent that you could easily pass it off as something else if you weren't waiting for an answer from 'Dust'. It was an odd name to say the least. Being named after the substance that you turn into when you die isn't the most socially acceptable name you've heard. Luckily, you aren't the judgmental type. At least, you're not judgmental verbally.

"Ok then, Dust." you had replied a bit shy, not wanting a fighting match once again, "I'm heading off to bed. Do you need anything before I hit the hay?"

"No, I don't. Now please, leave me alone." Dust growled meekly.

You weren't scared of him. But yet, at the same time, you also weren't entirely confident round this little stranger. As you throw your pajamas on and lay in your comforting bed, you ponder upon your current situation. So, for starters, you ran out of Lexapro. Great! Second, you adopt this god-knows-what monster pet and let him into your home. Not to mention he had the potential power to hurt you. You tried not to ponder the idea that he could kill you. No, he couldn't. Could he?

You shake your head, knowing damn well a two foot five skeleton could not take you down, no matter how tall you were. Well, there's no turning back now. You would at least try and make this skeleton like you. You would try your damn hardest, that's for sure. You knew what it was like to be alone, to be abandoned. You did cut your father off after all. He was there physically but not emotionally, leaving you with unhealed invisible scars and wounds. You really have been trying to heal them, but stuff like that takes time. You've come to terms with it.

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It's about 8:09 in the morning now. You've awoken from your slumber and starting making breakfast for yourself, and of course, your new little friend. The little friend in question still hasn't come out of his shelter yet. Perhaps he was sleeping? You didn't want to disturb him anymore than you had the previous night. As you were cooking whatever you were cooking, an egg and toast, pancakes perhaps, it suddenly hit you like a softball to your eye. Dust could've easily gotten out of that box and wandered around the house aimlessly.

You set your food aside and tiptoed around the tiny loft apartment you've called home for three years. The interior was mostly white, plants adding a pop of color to your closed-in home. I think caring for your plants kept you from going insane. Hell, you even talked to them sometimes. All they did was smile back at you in their vibrant green bliss.

You checked every drawer, closet, and corner for any sign of Dust's past presence. There was nothing. Now that the action was done, you felt kind of odd checking your own house for any sign of someone being there. You've grown so distant from conversation with things that could respond to you, you almost forgot how to keep talking for more than a few seconds. For a while, you preferred it that way. But, you have a pet to take care of now. A more complex pet. You couldn't just water it like a plant. You had to show it love, feed it, nurture it, talk to it.

After your creepishly embarrassing search, you returned back to the kitchen to find your new companion shoving tiny bits of whatever you made into his mouth. To be honest, he looked like a starving, rabid animal that hadn't eaten for years. You felt sad, almost pitiful for this small guy that had yelled at you just a few, mere hours ago. I guess your sock covered feet weren't quiet enough on the chestnut colored wood floor. Or maybe, your presence was louder than you ever intended or interpreted it to be, because Dust whipped his head, or should I say skull, around to look at your tall frame in the archway.

He looked scared. Maybe even petrified. Did you look at him wrong? Did you look intimidating? Did you look at him the same way as your coworkers look at you? The way they looked at you when they all deemed you mentally incapacitated. God, you hoped you didn't look at him like that.

"I-I'm sorry." Dust started to apologize. "I was just kinda hungry-"

As you stepped towards him, you stayed silent. You smiled at him gently as you separated the food into two, even portions. If he didn't eat it all, you could always save it for later. You nudged the plate over to him, though his form was oddly moving. It looked like he was severely shaking, but was trying to hide it somehow. I think he's finally realized that he's not the bigger being anymore. His powers mean shit compared to his height. He's finally accepted his fate.

"Go on. Eat. I made enough for the both of us. It was my fault for not making you anything to eat last night." You urged him gently. He was still in a defensive state of mind, so he cautiously approached the food and pulled it farther away, making distance between the both of you. You didn't mind. The only thing you did mind is the way he was shaking and trying to suppress it from you.

What happened to him?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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