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Demi's POV

I can't stop looking at the clock even though I should be asleep but I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about tomorrow and it's stressing me out. Tomorrow or rather in a few hours I have my first day in my new school and to say I am nervous is an understatement. I am terrified that I might not fit in, that I might be bullied like I was in my old school. The only positive about going to a new school is that I already have 2 friends that go to my new school so I will have at least 2 friends and hopefully I will be able to make more friends.

After hours of tossing and turning I finally fell asleep only to be woken up 30 minutes later by my alarm clock. I slowly made my way out of bed and to my en suite so I could take a shower and get ready for school. About an hour later I was finished getting ready I quickly checked my hair and makeup and then I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs for some breakfast. I made my way to the kitchen and instantly my mom greeted me with a smile and then she said "morning Demi"

"morning mom" I replied while making my way to the Island and taking a seat next to my little sister Maddie.

I looked at all the breakfast food laid out on the table but I couldn't even think about eating any of it because of how nervous I am about school. I was brought from my thoughts at the sound of my mom saying "Demi get something to eat" and I knew from her tone that I had no choice but to get myself a plate of food.

I made myself a plate with fruit and a pancake but I was too anxious so I just picked at my food but this just lead to my mom saying "Demi eat the food you are not going anywhere till you eat."

"mom I don't feel like eating" I replied but this just caused my mom to worry and she started crying lightly and begging me to eat. It was at that moment I realised my mom thought I was having trouble with my eating disorder but that isn't the case I'm just nervous about school so I don't feel like eating.

"Mom I'm okay I promise I'm just not eating because I'm nervous it's not because of any other reason" I said looking into my moms eyes so she knew I was telling the truth.

"Okay Demi I'll let it slide but at least eat a bit of fruit or take a snack to eat once the nerves have settled" I nodded and settled for taking some fruit in a tub as a snack.

Once everyone had finished breakfast mom started to clean up and my older sister Dallas said she would drop me and my little sister Maddie off at school which made me a little less nervous because I know Dallas will make this car ride fun and help ease the nerves.

We pulled up at school and Dallas wished us luck before we got out the car. Once we got out the car me and Maddie made our way to the main office so we could get our timetables. We got our timetables and then the head teacher Mr stones came out to greet us and he asked if we knew anyone and I said I knew Libby and Bella so he called them down to the office so they could give us a tour. Once Libby and Bella got to the office Mr stones told them to give us a tour during first period and that we didn't have to go to lessons till second period. Once Mr stones left we turned and started the tour Bella and Libby both told us how excited they were that we have finally started this school. We toured the entire school and then we stopped and compared our timetables to see if me, Libby and Bella had any lessons together and we had a lot of lessons together which eased my nerves a lot. I then asked Maddie about her timetable we knew we wouldn't see her at all in lessons because she is younger but we still wanted to look.

The four of us then decided to go find our lockers so we went to Maddie's first and she put her stuff in and then we went to mine and mine was near Libby and Bella's. I put my stuff in my locker and then we stood talking for a bit and then Libby and Bella said that we had 15 minutes till second period so I looked at my timetable and saw I had science with Libby and Bella and Maddie had English so I told Libby and Bella I was going to walk Maddie to class and I would meet them at science and they offered to come with us but I told them we would be fine so they went to their lockers and then headed to science and me and Maddie started walking to her first class. Once we reached english I said to Maddie "good luck baby girl I hope you have a good day and don't forget to text or call me if you need me or if you want to meet up for lunch just text me okay?"

"I will Dems but hopefully I will meet new friends and I won't have to come meet you for lunch and good luck I know you're nervous but everything will be okay" Maddie replied. Me and Maddie hugged each other and then the bell rang so I left Maddie outside her English class and I headed to science.


It's funny isn't how everything in high school is about labels. In high school people only talk to you based on what you have been labelled as. For example, you have the jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds, the party people, the quiet ones, the badasses and many others there are too many to mention. Me? I'm labelled a badass which is both a blessing and a curse. It's good because people won't mess with me or my friends but it's a curse because no one wants to get to know me so they just think I'm a bad person and a 'player' that doesn't care and is "no good" but they couldn't be more wrong and if people got to know me instead of just labelling me based off of other people's judgements they would see the reason behind my 'badass' image/label.

I met up with my friends at the gates and we walked into school as we were walking down the halls people would try not to make eye contact with us which was pretty usual. One by one my friends left to class and I arrived at my second lesson of the day, Science not the greatest way to start a Monday but it is what it is. The teacher was recapping stuff we have already done so the lesson was boring but after 10 minutes a girl I have never seen walked in and she was the most beautiful girl she went over to the teacher with a note she must be a new girl. I scanned the room and smiled to myself when I seen the only available seat was next to me. The teacher pointed to the back of the class to me and the new girl headed over I smiled and she returned the smile before she sat down and got out everything she would need. Once the teacher stopped talking and set us off on task the whole class started talking and we continued sitting in silence so I decided this was the perfect time to introduce myself.

"Hey beautiful my names Y/N what's yours?"

I smiled at her and she started blushing and giggled before she responded "Demi".

"Pretty name for a pretty girl" I replied she just nodded and blushed which was cute. Demi and I talked and laughed and got to know each other. It was amazing to get to know someone new who didn't prejudge me. One thing I did notice is that Libby and Bella and they kept looking at her and she would look at them occasionally they must know each other.

"One good thing came from this lesson" I said to Demi she turned to me and replied "whats that".

"I met you and now I have a new friend actually I have an extremely beautiful new friend" she blushed and chuckled and jokingly pushed my shoulder.

"Seriously though we should hang out sometime outside of school, you up for it?" I asked.

Demi nodded and replied "sure I'd like that". 

At the end of the lesson the teacher assigned us a project and for the project you had to work in pairs so he told us to work in our tables as two people sat at each table and that's another reason I was glad Demi joined because I use to always have to work alone because no one wanted to work with me because they thought I was no good. Before we left the lesson me and Demi exchange numbers and said we would meet up later on this week to start the project. Demi ended up being in all of my lessons with me and she had to sit next to me in them all because I'm always by an empty seat. We got along great and honestly I was glad to have made a new friend I felt like I could be myself around her and I didn't have to put my walls up fully around her. I walked home that day hopeful and happy about mine and Demi's new friendship and I'm hopeful one day me and demi could be more than friends because not only is Demi insanely beautiful but she has the best and most contagious laugh and her personality is amazing.

Here it is the first chapter of no good. Thanks for reading! Also sorry for any mistakes I haven't had time to proof read.

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