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Demi's POV

After I left Maddie I quickly made my way back to the science room and I knocked on the door. I waited patiently till I heard a "come in".  I handed the teacher a note to say that i am new and that's why I'm late because I'm still finding my way round.

The teacher pointed to an empty seat at the back of the class next to a girl. So I headed over I smiled and she returned the smile before I sat down and got out everything I would need. Once the teacher stopped talking and set us off on task the whole class started talking and we continued sitting in silence but the silence was broken by the girl saying "Hey beautiful my names Y/N what's yours?" She smiled at me and I started blushing and giggling before I responded "Demi".

"Pretty name for a pretty girl" she replied i just nodded and couldn't help but blush. Y/N and I talked and laughed and got to know each other. It was amazing to get to know someone new.

Towards the end of the lesson Y/N looked at me and smiled before saying "One good thing came from this lesson". I turned to look at her and replied "whats that".

She chuckled and said "I met you and now I have a new friend actually I have an extremely beautiful new friend". I blushed and chuckled and jokingly pushed her shoulder. "Seriously though we should hang out sometime outside of school, you up for it?" She asked me and I nodded and replied "sure I'd like that". 

At the end of the lesson the teacher assigned us a project and for the project you had to work in pairs so he told us to work in our tables as two people sat at each table. Before we left the lesson me and Y/N exchange numbers and said we would meet up later on this week to start the project. I ended up being in all of my lessons with Y/N and she had to sit next to me in them all because she was always by an empty seat. We got along great and honestly I was glad to have made a new friend I felt like I could be myself around her and I didn't have to put my walls up fully around her which was a nice way to feel after all the bullying I suffered in my old school.

After all of our morning lessons me,Libby and Bella all went to meet Maddie to see if she needed to sit with us at lunch or if she had made friends. Thankfully when we got to Maddie's class she was standing with a girl which instantly made me relax. I gave Maddie her lunch money and she introduced me to the girl she was with her name was Logan and Maddie said they were in all of their lessons together and Logan seemed sweet. After the introduction and quick catch up Maddie and Logan headed to lunch to meet the rest of Logan's friends and me,Libby and Bella headed to get our lunch and then we went to the garden area to eat our lunch. After lunch I went to the rest of my lessons and I was glad to see Y/N and even happier that she always had an empty seat next to her I really enjoyed getting to know her better and being able to have a laugh with her during lessons.

At the end of the day I went to meet Maddie and then we walked to the front to wait for Libby and Bella before we all started walking home discussing how the first day went. Once we reached our house me and Maddie bid our goodbyes to Libby and Bella but just as I was about to walk up the driveway Bella said "hey dem can I talk to you for a sec?" I nodded and walked back towards them while Maddie carried on into the house. "So I saw you made friends with Y/N today" Bella started and I replied "Yeah she was so sweet".

"Well I think you need to be careful she is no good and I think you should stay away from her" Bella explained.

"Look I appreciate your concern but she was sweet to me and we want to become friends" I replied feeling slightly annoyed that she was trying to stop my possible friendship with Y/N.

"She's no good, I promise I know it sounds like I'm trying to control who your friends with but I'm not. Look meet me later at the ice cream shop and I'll tell you everything I know about Y/N and why I think she's no good" Bella explained. I reluctantly agreed that I would meet her later on and then her and Libby left and I went inside so I could tell my family how my first day was.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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