Chapter 15

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It was late when the trio arrived at Lenora, as the whole city was celebrating the news of their Princes engagement. Felix drop to the floor, and scream in agitation, in pain and in hurt. He felt as if he was wronged by his mate. His inner wolf got fury, he was angry that someone else has taken what is meant to be his , even without realizing he has transformed into his wolf form. He allowed his inner wolf to take control of him and let the best happen.

Minho: Felix. I know you can hear me. Calm Yongbok down. He has just got engaged. We can break it. You can't go there and attack people.

Yongbok: SHUT UP! Felix can't hear you. I'll come back with my mate, Alpha. If you are stopping me, I won't mind to hurt you to get him.

Minho was shocked to hear Yongbok talk this angrily, as inner wolf often don't speak up, when they transform. Even if they did, they'll utter not more than a word or 2. This made Minho step back for a second as he very well knew. He could never stop him. He was shocked to see Hyunjin, transform into Jin and leaving before he even had a word with him. He knew very well Hyunjin's temperament is not stable these days due to his heartbreak and he definitely knew he is gonna cause some problem that he is gonna regret later. Minho knew very well, that as Minho he can never stop the disaster that is gonna happen. The only person who can control the disaster was Lee Know, his inner wolf. He let it out and transformed into a big black wolf, chasing behind his brothers.

He sniffed the air around for signs of his brothers. Both their scents led to the same direction, the castle 🏰. He was scared as the elder as their actions might bring War between both the nations. He wanted to stop it the chaos even before it happens. He silently sneaking into the corridors and hallways, as the whole castle was in celebration , no one noticed his presence. He transformed back to his human form. He was roaming around the hallways searching for his brothers, he don't know where to search, as he can't remember when was the last time he came to this palace. He was searching the place like a mad , when a tint of fragrance made his hault in jerk. The sweet fragrance of vanilla was waking his Alpha up. NO. He thought, Not now. When he should be excited, he was getting anxious. As though he couldn't explain the height of his happiness for finding his mate scent. He was worried he will be diverted from his mission of finding his brothers and stopping the chaos. But his legs , never listened to him. It took him towards the scent, as he approached, he was getting more intoxicated by it. He went to a certain level, that he no longer had the control of his body, Lee Know (inner wolf) took all the control.
He transformed back. He chased towards the scent. He stood before the door , which was separating him and his mate. But when he heard , a painful Moan from inside the room. All Lee Know, could think was

Lee Know : Mate. MATE. Mate is in PAIN ! Protect! Love! Mine!

He broke the door into pieces, he didn't even look who his mate was a the room was poorly lit , he jumped over his mate, pinning him down the floor. Looking at him, in full of lust and want. He was too sweet like a nectar, he knew very well he will be the death of them.

Minho: * Begging Lee Know * Stop.Lee Know! We don't know who he is. He will hate us for what you are planning to do. So stop now.

Lee Know looked at the person below him, thinking about the words he said. But the person was Panting and moaning and rubbing himself on him.

Han: Alpha! PLEASE! ...I can't... I can't take it more...It hurts.... I want you...

That all it took , for Lee Know to tear Han dress into bits. He was lying beautifully naked below him. He transformed into his human form to make love to him properly. He slowly took him from the ground and placed him on the bed.


Minho: Fuck , My Dear

He was still coming, running a hand down Han's sweaty face. His eyes fluttered shut, and he flinched every few seconds, a corresponding spurt of warmth between his legs a moment later.

Minho: Fuck, Omega.

He tugged the alpha down to his chest, cradling his head as he grew accustomed to the knot inside of him. He felt clear-headed for the first time in days, shuddering softly with pleasure as Minho blanketed him with his body, curling around him protectively.

They caught their breath together, or at least, Han did. Minho seemed just as dazed for his part, testing the knot with a soft groan every few seconds.

Han : I'm going to--

Han bit off a moan, shifting against the other man as he thrust languidly again into the knot.

Han : I'm going to come again if you keep doing that.

Minho : Maybe I want you to.

Minho said good-naturedly, looking up at him with a soft smile.

Minho: Is that so bad?

Han considered this for a moment, staring up at his ceiling as his heart rate slowed. For the first time in days, he could think, and the only thought in his mind was doing this all over again, as many times as His Alpha would allow. But Han was so tired he drifted off when Minho pulled himself out of him. Han had his best sleep in life remembering, he is lying next to his mate, who has just marked and claimed him as his.

But Jisung wasn't Happy about it, it was only Han, his Omega self , his inner wolf who was pleased, not him.

What will Jisung do now ???


Another Update guys, Hope you like it. I know it's very soon for another update.
Long Chapter guys, hope you find it interesting. 🥺
My exam dates have been announced, it's gonna start from OCTOBER 6th so next full month, I'll have my exams. I have to clear it. So I can become DOCTOR 👩‍⚕️.
Please do Pray for me and wish me luck 🍀
I am sorry I couldn't upload Pics in the chapter. 🥺🙏😭 I thought I should atleast update the story for you guys as you have to wait long for my next updates... .. I'll upload some pics when I finish all my works.  🤗❤️
If you can't understand something, please be free to DM me and ask.
I hope all of you guys have a great day...
Thank you so much 😊 for waiting patiently for chapter update, you guys are the best,  I also want to Thanks some faithful and patient readers, who always read my books and tell me the opinion about it.
Thank you guys, you mean a lot. 🥺❤️❤️❤️
I'll try to update as soon as possible.
Love you guys. ❤️
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