Chapter 17

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Bubbaaaaa...... Excited Hannie bounce in Jimin's hold when he hear his favorite human's voice.

Mammaaaa...  Hanniee mich uuuu.....  Hannie is really excited. Jungkook take Hannie from Jimin and began to kiss him.

Mammaa mishh Hannie thoo.... The two other males present there cooed on the cute mammaa son duo.

Ohhh no one missed Appa. Tae fake pout for getting the attention of the duo but they didn't mind him.

Jimin said bye to them and went from there. Tae become clingy and start to disturb Jungkook's and Hannie's play time. They are sitting in the play room inside Tae's office. After one hour Tae now needed to do some work.

Bun.. I need to work... Tae said nuzzling Jungkook's nape.

Then go do your work.

But.. I don't want to.... You're really addictive I can't spend a second without you.

Ewww Cheesy and cringe... Jungkook rolled his eyes. Tae chuckled at the remark and bite on the neck making Jungkook hissing in pain.
Then Tae make his way to his office desk and began to do his work. After some time he heard a knock on the door. He thought its Rosé but the knock continues. He frowned thinking who will be there. He glanced at the play room and see the duo sleeping,he closed the door of play room using the remote and said coming. But he rolled his eyes when see the people who coming in.

Hey son.. How are you? Look who is with me to see Tae Tae oppa. Chang Min said walking to Tae.

Haii uncle.. I'm good.. Heyy Yu Ri... How are you? Tae didn't show his dislike.

Hii oppaa I'm not fine oppaa I missed you very much. Yu Ri said sensually. Tae cringed at the site. Chang Min excused himself from there saying he gonna give them some privacy. Tae returned to the work ignoring the girl sitting in front of him.

Oppaaa you can do the work after some time. Please spend some time with me..

Ohh Yu Ri its urgent if you don't mind please come some other time. I'm really busy now.

Then I just wait here until you finish your work. Yu Ri began to look around the office and find a closed door and walked towards the door, at the same time Jungkook wake up and opened the door and come out..

Hyung... I am going home with bubbaaaa...  Jungkook said rubbing his eyes. The voice of the boy made Taehyung look to the door and see Yu Ri watching the boy with a frown.

Oppaa who is this? Jungkook face palmed himself for not noticing other person in the room.  But the question made Tae off guard. This is the first time someone asking who Jungkook is. But Jungkook understand the situation.

I'm Hannie's caretaker. Jungkook answered immediately. Tae sighed in relief.

Why you call him hyung? Don't call him that call him Mr. Taehyung. Yu Ri said with a not so good tone. Tae clenched his jaw but can't say anything. Jungkook felt the tension and eyed Tae.

Don't be like that Yu Ri. I am the one who said him to call me hyung. Tae said with a fake smile on his face. And Jungkook you can go home, take Hannie with you.. Jungkook just nodded for not making the awkward moment more worse.

Oppaa don't talk with soft voice with these people they are leeches who waiting for a time to suck on the guys like you. Yu Ri began to spit shit.

Enough Yu Ri. Shut the fuck up don't dare to talk like that to him. Tae is now fuming in anger. Jungkook bite his lower lip not knowing what to do. Yu Ri flinched when she see the angry Tae. You can go Yu Ri.  I am not in the mood to talk to you. Tae said with a blank face.

But oppaa..

GO. Tae said sternly. Yu Ri glared Jungkook and made her way out.
Silence lingering there for some time. Tae is now sitting on the couch with an emotionless face. Jungkook can feel the turmoil inside his husband. Jungkook made his way toward his husband and sit on the lap of Tae and hug the elder. Tae rest his head on younger's chest immediately and hold the younger by his waist.

Is my hubby angry? Jungkook asked softly massaging the elder's head.
But the name slip from the younger make the elder look at him.

What did you call me bun? Tae asked.

Hubby...  What? you don't like it? Jungkook asked confusingly.

I love it baby.. Don't ever call me otherwise call me hubby from now on. Tae said intimately with his deep voice that he only uses with the younger.
Jungkook smiled visibly. But the sweet moment interrupted by the toddler.

Mammaa Appaa.. The toddler called from the other room, making the couple push each other. They both laughed.

Tae said Jungkook to go home with the toddler because he has some work to be done, and promised the younger that he will take a day off tomorrow because the younger already decided to not going to college. Jungkook happily went to home with the toddler which noticed by the workers there. They now get more curious about the boy.
Yu Ri is really angry now because of what happened with Taehyung. She wanted to know what is the relation between Tae and that boy. Chang Min is trying to make the girl calm. Then he called someone and assigned the person to find about the mysterious boy. After that Chang Min and Yu Ri decided to go home.. And on their way they heard some employees talk about the boy. How Mr. Kim whipped for the boy, how lovingly they look at each other and so on but it make Yu Ri hate the boy even more. She decided to wipe the boy from Taehyung's life.



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