Chapter 2

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Jungkook POV

She looks so happy, and oddly, the pleasant smile spread on the strangers face brings me comfort as she lays in the arms of her lover, in the night on the hill side. 

She has a nice smile, at least from what I have been able to see from afar. 

Every time I make it to my spot on the hillside near dawn on my Friday night back from work, I notice the same couple come to occupy the same space with their blankets. And every time they look like a couple from a movie, comfortably sitting next to each other within their bubble of love, and I can't help but admire the happiness and comfort that they display, in a way making me feel alone.

I can't help but admit that I wish I had someone to hold the same way and gaze up to the beauty in the sky, to cuddle close and whisper my love into her ear. 

For a moment I want to laugh at myself for being so pathetic. I like to remind myself that everything happens for a reason and at the right time. 

So for now I'm left alone with my thoughts and music, the notebook in my hold with random scribbles in the corner, difficult to read with little light around, but manageable. 

The end of the pencil I'm holding between my fingers is now between my lips as I reread the last bit of the lyrics I have been working on for a while now. 

White skies

Bright nights 

A city full of stars

And blooming roses with fluttering hearts

White Skies was the title I have last decided on, but although I thought I had an idea for how the song should go, once sitting down and working on it, the more lost I became, and so the more I found myself coming to the spot that gave me the most inspiration; exactly where I find myself now. 

I sigh, letting my head fall back onto the tree that I lean against, noticing the shuffling nearby. I watch the familiar couple begin to gather their things around the same time that they usually do, knowing that we'll be spotting each other again the exact same day next week. 

But I don't 

Nor the week after that. 

I find it odd that the couple I've been used to seeing all year round doesn't show for three weeks straight, and I begin to wonder whether they have moved or their lives just got busy, just out of curiosity. 

But by the time the fourth week rolls around I'm once again placing the blanket under me and tossing my notebook to the ground before comfortably taking a seat and noticing a familiar figure occupying the same space the couple once did. 

All alone, with quivering shoulders. 

And no lover to be found. 

《♡》 Okay so i vhanged it to 2 updates a week cause I'm impatient to get this all out to you guys and the chapters are short

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Okay so i vhanged it to 2 updates a week cause I'm impatient to get this all out to you guys and the chapters are short

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