The Hogwarts Express

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Hey, I haven't updated in a while... Sorry about that! Well, I'm going to try the story in 1st person rather than 3rd. Enjoy!!!

I lay in the dusty bed in my room in the Leaky Cauldron. After the man showed me around, he gave me several galleons, sickles, and knuts. He sent me off the buy my things, which I managed to do with difficulty, and gave me the key to a room in the Leaky Cauldron.

So I've been here, rotting. I constantly looked at the clock mounted on the wall.

5:45 AM. I haven't slept all night. I was way to excited for the arrival of the Hogwarts Express to sleep. Anyways, sleep's for the weak, I guess. I looked back at the clock. 5:50.

6 hours and 10 minutes. I sigh. Well, what's better of a time to read a book? I pushed of my bed and walked over to my trunk, kindly provided by the Ministry. I pushed aside my brand new robes, trying to find my just as new books.

"Aha!" I shouted, grabbing "Hogwarts a History". Perfect. I had already read all the other books, how else would I be able to survive this musty aired prison? I opened up the cover and started on the very front page.

"What an interesting book..." I quietly murmured to myself as I quickly skimmed the last page. I looked at the clock.

10:00! I scrambled out of bed, threw "Hogwarts a History " in my trunk, and sprinted (as fast as I could with a full trunk) to Kings Cross Station.

Panting, I pulled the crumpled ticket I received from the Ministry out of my pocket. Platform 9 3/4? My eyes scanned the crowded train station.

And that's when I saw it.

Two red haired boys, each with carriages, sprinted straight through the wall between Platforms 9 and 10. There where two more boys after them, preparing for the sprint. One with messy, black hair, and the other with red hair just as bright as the other two. I would have described them a bit more, but considering that I'm looking at the back of them, I wasn't going to get much.

"Wait!" I yelled at them while frantically waving my arms. They looked back at me, a bit confused. I ran up to them, dragging my trunk.

"S-sorry, but I was wondering if you where possibly heading for Platform 9 and 3/4?"

The boy with the black hair smiled at me. Now, up close, I could see that he had glasses and bright green eyes. A strange marking was on his forehead, but I decided not to ask about it.

"Yeah," he started, hastily pushing his hair over the mark when he noticed me looking, "we are."

"Can you show me how to get there?" I asked.

"I can!" The ginger said. He had a long nose and freckles.

"You just have to run through the wall right there," He pointed at the space between Platforms 9 and 10, "and poof! Your there!"

I laughed for the first time in a long time.

"Alright then, I'll take your word for it."

The messy haired boy smiled at me one more time before sprinting through the wall with ginger. I took a deep breath before going through the wall myself.

"Woah." There before me laid a beautiful magenta train, with what I recognized as the Hogwarts emblem printed on the side. There where kids everywhere, saying their goodbyes too their parents. I sighed, then headed on the train.

It was packed, almost every compartment full with excited kids chatting about their summer. I only found one compartment not completely full. I guess it was my lucky day, for it had the boys I met earlier in it, deep in a conversation. I knocked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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