a knock at the door

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  Untill... After quickly putting on a robe I get up to go open the door but to my surprise Robert was there.
    "Robert what do you want" I said with a snappy disgusted tone.
"Isn't it obvious I want you back and I wanted to tell you I'm so sorry for what happened it was a mistake"

"You bet your ass it was it was the dumbest stupidest mistake you'll ever make in your life you come to regret your choices now huh" I said with a frustrated angry tone.

  "Yes baby I love you and I'm so so sorry".  "Well it doesn't matter because I'm with someone else now I'm with Josh"

   As Josh put on a robe to come look at the door to see who was there he got angry "babe what does this low life loser mistake doing at our door" he said "I don't know baby I don't even know who let him in but he needs to leave"

   "Fine but I'm not giving up on you" Robert said under his breath.
As I shut my door I looked at Josh and then Josh looked at me and said. "Be my girlfriend I've had a crush on you for so long I just haven't had the courage to talk to you"

  Full of excitement I jump into his arms and give him a long hot kiss.
"So I'll take that as yes"? He asked
"YES" I was so excited I didn't know what to do with all of my adrenaline all's I knew is I was so happy.

   "Do you want to go back to the party" I asked "I'd much rather stay in bed and admire my beautiful girlfriend" hearing him say those words made me have butterflies in my stomach.

  As we lay in bed holding each other we both slowly fell sleep for some reason hearing his heartbeat was soothing it made me relax.

  I wake up the next morning with Josh my new boyfriend planting kisses all over my cheeks.

  "Josh stop that it tickles" I said with small laughter in my voice
"What I can't kiss my beautiful girlfriend in the morning"

  "Ok you can only because it's you"
I said with a small chuckle.
"That's what I thought I feel like I'm going to be one with the pants in this relationship" he said as if he was challenging me and if he was challenge accepted.

Without even a second to spare I ruled him over so I'm the one on top and said "you you have the pants in this relationship I think you were sadly mistaken" as we both laugh.

As he was getting dressed when he was putting a picture I saw all the hickeys on his chest and stomach  I had to turn around because I was blushing so hard.

  Without hearing him I feel two arms wrap around my waist "What are you doing are you hiding from me"?

  "No but I hate it when other people see me blush I hate the way I look when I blush" I said because I'm so insecure kissing my neck made his voice mumble but I swear he said "I love it I think you look extremely cute and sexy when you blush so quit hiding from me"

"Well if you love it so much show me" I said in a teasing voice without expecting it he picks me up and carries me to the shower
  "Show it to you well then why don't we take a shower together"

  As I got excited remembering what we did last night I said "I've never done IT in the shower before"

   "Well I guess I'll have to change that won't we" he said as he pinned me against the cold wall as kissed me but when he kissed me it was so passionate and hot.

  Soo I started to tease him with my hips again and he picked me up so I wrapped my legs alround him and put my arms around his neck.

Has he started to kiss my neck I let our soft moan. I could feel how excited he's hips were he was so hard.

  Grinding up against him make me throb in-between my thighs so much that I almost lost control and let him be in charge.

  Unexpectedly I spun him alround and Preston him against the wall and started kissing his neck as the hot water running on our sides

  "We should probably hurry up and get ready Summer's waiting on us at the coffee shop". I said panting at a breath

  "Okay five more minutes" he said has he was enjoying the pleasure I was giving him

  After the shower we got dressed and I did my hair and makeup and we left the house driving to the coffee shop that we said we would meet at.

   As soon as we arrive I see summer.  "Summer"! I said rushing up to her giving her a big hug. "Okay your going to crush my ribs"
She said laughing.

  We all sit down at a table we were all having a good time and in forever I finally feel at peace I didn't have a exam to do I was able to relax and have a good time I was truly and I mean truly happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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