01 | we never made up

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Toni Stark felt like an impostor in her own team

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Toni Stark felt like an impostor in her own team.

Ever since the (so called) 'Civil War' happened around 6 months ago the tension never left the group of world defending super-heroes. The betrayals still hurt, like salt rubbed into a barely healed wound. And what was broken when the team divided in two was never restored.

When Thor returned from space with 3/4 of his people and Bruce Banner to Earth it was safe to say that the god of thunder and the Hulk were surprised at the new found disliking the team members had grown for each other.

Thor built a new life for his people on Earth in a village he poetically decided to name New Asgard. Once that was finished he gave up his duties as the king to Valkyrie and moved back into the tower with the rest of the team.

Bruce and Toni returned to their routine of working together in the lab. As more time passed Toni began to open up to him about the things that happened during his absence. From the accords to her break up with Steve and discovering Bucky murdered her parents.

Now six months after everything it was still awkward when she came across the two super soldiers in the halls. She mostly avoided both, eating breakfast in her lab where she also spent most of her times.

Bucky still wasn't allowed on missions which meant she only needed to put up with Steve. And Natasha — and Clint — and Sam. Which now that she thinks about it is a lot of people.

Next to Steve's — Natasha's betrayal hurt a bit too much. She and Toni had history and in the genius's eyes they were friends. At least Toni considered her a friend, but from all the fond memories she had buried, she was sure the assassin considered her a friend too. But when Natasha switched teams and let Steve and Bucky leave Toni's trust broke.

Sundays became Rhodey days. Toni couldn't compare the beating she got from her ex and his best friend to what her own best friend was going trough. Losing his legs hit the Colonel hard and Toni did everything she could to make it easier for him.

Which is Sundays became the days where the two would sit together on a newly added bed in the movie room, covered in all the blankets they could gather (which was a lot) and watching Disney movies. Yes, Disney movies (Rhodey's pick).

Thor eventually joined in on the tradition when he came across them one day. Now he sung along with all the movies they (re)watched. His ultimate favorite became Tangled which is how he ended up earning his second nickname. Rapunzel.

And yes, he was working on growing his hair out again.

Although Toni refused to actually make progress with Bucky — she forgave him. She never told him that, but she forgave him. Because it wasn't him, because he didn't have a choice in a matter and he was just as much of a victim. And she knew — she understood that. But she could live with everyone else thinking the opposite.

"Dumb bitch," Toni sighed, staring blankly at the huge screen. She leaned back into her pillow, adjusting her legs which were in Thor's lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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