Prom night

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It was finally the night of the prom. Your friends had been obsessing over tonight for the past two months. Every lunch time had been spent discussing which style / colour of dress would best suit them and new ways they were going to style their hair. They had already secured themselves dates at the start of High school, not wanting to end up sitting on the bleachers alone. Like you. 

You were also excited for Prom night, but you weren't so dedicated as to secure a date with any random guy. There had been one boy in High School who had caught your eye, but any feelings you held towards him were completely shut down when you watched him beat up three younger kids, laughing manically the whole time. You couldn't stand bullies. 

You made your way to your friends house after school, with all of your prom attire in tow. You all got ready together, but you spent the majority of the time helping your friends zip up their dresses, or hold up their hair. You were happy to focus your time on making them look perfect. They were your friends after all. 

Soon the limo arrived outside and you all squealed in delight as you drove to prom. You ushered yourselves onto the dance floor as soon as you arrived, dancing all together in a circle. Not long after, your friends dates all began to arrive one by one, finally leaving you standing alone. You made your way over to the drinks table and poured yourself some punch. You stood off to the side of the dance floor, and began to people watch. You let out a small chuckle at the sight of your friends trying their best to dance sexy in their elegant gowns. Your eyes continued to scan across the crowd and you were surprised to find yourself looking out for a certain boy with spiky hair. You shook your head, not wanting to fall back into your old habbit of day dreaming about the schools bad boy. You noticed a group of people from your English class talking, so decided to head over to them and mingle with the crowd. 

After an hour or so, your group of friends rushed back over to you. One of them in tears and the other two seething with anger. "What's happened?" You ask them, hugging your crying friend. 

"Our dates have all ditched us!" The blonde girl responds. "They have left us to go to some lame party." She concludes. 

"Oh no, I'm so sorry guys. What are you going to do? We could always stay and dance together?" You look over at your friend who is still bawling "Unless you're not up to it and would rather go home?" You suggest, worried about your friends. 

"No, we are not going home yet." The blonde girl pipes back up. "I have spent way too much on this dress to only wear it for a couple of hours. I have a better idea..." 

Once you are back in the lime, your friend relays her plan to you and the rest of the group. You couldn't believe what she had come up with. You had already been to two different guys houses from school, but they had both rejected your friends crazy idea of getting them to make out with them in front of their boyfriends. 

You pulled up at the third house and finally decided to speak up "Come on guys, this is ridiculous. What is making out with some poor nerdy guys meant to prove to your boyfriends?" You question. 

"They will be so disgusted that we are willing to kiss anyone, that they will never forget what they've done to us!" Your friend shrieked back at you. 

You rolled your eyes, knowing your friend was clearly going to go ahead with this crazy and quite frankly cruel idea, no matter what you said. She had always been strong headed after all. 

You followed them out of the limo and up to the front door of the next house. Your friend knocks and you wait. "Who lives here exactly?" You question, just as the door swings open. Your eyes widen at the sight of the three boys clustered around the door. Malcolm, Stevie and... Reese. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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