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(n.) finding something good without looking for it.

"Do you need a lift?" Throws a voice behind him.

"No, I'm walking there, don't worry." Kallan smiles weakly, catching his last waffle on his plate and wedges it between his lips before getting up from his stool. "I'd rather walk, and you came home late yesterday, so you'd better get some rest." He finally explained.

It wasn't true, Kallan hated walking to school, but he couldn't risk having the "boy with a hot brother" label stuck on his forehead again like the previous years when he had been accompanied in the car by his brother. And then once the eyes were on Kallan, the comparison was made, always leaving the younger man with a bitter look. He didn't think he was ugly, but he knew that he would never be enough compared to his brother.

With one last look at his older brother sitting on the couch, he puts his plate in the sink and grabs his bag to put it on his back.

"Can you tell Dad I'm eating at Colin's tonight?" The dark-haired man grunts trying to put on his shoe while hopping around trying as hard as he can to articulate with his waffle in his mouth. "I'll be there around 10:30." Kallan says and pushed his glasses up on his nose.

He just caught a glimpse of his brother giving a thumbs up and was already outside walking towards his school, playing with the metal ball stuck in his tongue. The trees were already starting to change color, turning a lovely orange on their leaves, some still attached to the tree and others forming a blanket on the ground.

Kallan is entering his last year, the most important one. The one where he should be meeting people, having fun and drinking. He does none of these things. For him, it's just a distraction that would get in the way. A future doesn't come with a snap of the fingers. He has to have perfect grades to have a perfect future. So no matter how many fabulous moments he misses out on. At nearly 18, he had never been to any parties and had only drunk alcohol when his father suggested he try it. While the guys his age went out to meet new people, he stayed in and studied. Kallan didn't think this was sad, he was just securing a comfortable future before he could meet the woman of his life. A woman he would love. He wanted her to be the first and last.

Don't think he has no friends either. Colins is his best friend and neighbour at the same time. If he's not at home studying then he's either walking Bolt, his dog, or he's at Colins'. Their friendship started in primary school when they were only 9 years old. Kallan had just arrived from Korea and didn't speak a word of English, despite his mother being American, so none of the kids tried to make friends with him. Honestly, he understood them. He was left alone to watch his peers pull out their eyes, mimicking the shape of his and copying the way he spoke. Despite all the taunts he received, one little boy with blonde locks still dedicated himself to being in a group work with him. Colins tried every method to try and make himself understood and to try and chat by making random noises and miming things with his hands. It was ridiculous from an outsider's perspective but it worked.

Colins could have been the best friend ever but the only flaw he had according to Kallan was his social butterfly personality. Kallan is shy and can't even think of talking to a stranger, his heart would beat faster, his palms would sweat excessively, he would be too scared. So he locked himself in this little circle where the only person gravitating towards him was Colins.

Until her.

"I would prefer Mr Jeong to get into a group with Miss Grey, may it raise your grades." The teacher doesn't mince his words, making the people sitting around "Miss Grey" in the corner of the classroom laugh before turning back to the board. "Since all the groups are chosen, I'm releasing you. You will have two weeks to prepare your presentation. I want fair participation and speaking time. Am I clear, Eden?" Mr. Adams glances over his right shoulder at the same student as she taps her natural nails on the table with a smile.

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