A new friendship

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Draco was nowhere to be seen at dinner, and as rumour had it, he was still in the hospital wing.

"It's his own fault, the bloody git." Muttered Ron.

"He's vile." Hermione said angrily, "And did you see the way he knocked Cress over? Everyone just ignored her, even Serena and they're supposed to be sisters!"

"Since when?" Harry frowned, "They look nothing alike?"

"You're so oblivious. Do you not remember the sorting, and the train?" Both boys stared at her blankly, "They arrived together, and they both have the same surname! They spoke loads in first year, but last year they stopped talking and now she doesn't have any friends!"

"Probably her own fault then." Ron said obnoxiously as he shovelled potatoes into his mouth. "Ow!"

"She's a lovely girl, if anybody bothered getting to know her. Actually, I'm going to do just that. Goodbye." 

Hermione stormed off. The two boys looked at each other, shrugged, and continued eating.


"Cress. Cress! I know you can hear me!" Hermione called after the girl as she hurried away, head down, "Please, I just want to talk?"

Cress turned to face her, tear stains down her cheeks, "I- I'm sorry, it's not really the best time."

"You're upset." Hermione said calmly, "I might be wrong, but it seems like a good time to talk to someone."

Cress broke out into sobs and allowed Hermione to lead her away to a deserted corner of the library where they could talk in peace.

"So, what's going on? I promise I won't judge or anything, and I won't repeat a word you say unless you want me to."

Her original plan had been to hide everything and leave as soon as possible, but open seeing Hermione's kind, open face, Crescent decided to talk to her.

"This is going to sound so stupid, but I feel like I'm completely alone. Even at home I'm the odd one out. I'm adopted, see, whilst Serena is mum's real daughter. I don't know my real mum, and dad only visits once a month, every- I mean, only for a few days every month. So I don't really know him either, we barely talk. Except, he's here now and- shit. I wasn't supposed to say that. Well anyway, I don't think he knows I'm here yet, and I don't want to see him. I don't want him to know how much of a failure I am. Ree - that's Serena - won't talk to me anymore, her friends all hate me, and I don't have any of my own. I c-can't take it much longer."

Hermione wrapped her up in a hug and let Cress cry into her shoulder for a minute.

"First of all, nothing you feel could ever be stupid, they're your feelings. And I'm here, I'd like to be your friend, I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you much before. As for your family, I don't have any experience with that sort of thing, but if you want to talk about it, I'll listen. And if not, that's okay too. Or I'm sure Harry would talk to you - he knows about being the odd one out."

Cress jumped forwards and wrapped Hermione in a tight hug. The latter reciprocated, hugging her back until her sobs faded away.

The two continued to talk for a while, learning all about each other, and realising that although very different, they had lots in common.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." Cress grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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