𝙰𝚌𝚝 𝟼

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❌Trigger Warning:Abuse❌

I woke up at around 11:30. Aiyden was still laying on me sleep. I didn't want to wake him up, so I just decided to call my parents and let them know that I wouldn't be home.
I scrolled down my call log until I found my fathers contact. The phone rang for about thirty seconds before he answered.

"Hello?" My dad said through the phone, clearly annoyed
"Dad?" I reply
"Boy WHAT?"
"Um, I was just calling to tell you I won't be home tonight."
"Why, you think you grown now or sum? He spits at me
"No s-sir," I say scared, "It's just it's too late for me to be driving"
"Well stay there then. Since you wanna act like you grown or something. Yo gay, hoe ass prolly with some random, no good nigga anyway. I want yo shit out of my house before I get home tomorrow. And don't think about asking me to come back neither."

And with that he hung up the phone. Before I could process everything, Aiyden woke up.

"You good?" He asked, obviously concerned
"Yea," I say, " I just um- have to use the bathroom."

He lets me up and I head to the bathroom. "Which one is it?" I yell from the hallway. "Last door on the right." I hear him say.
I walk in the bathroom and instantly burst into tears. I know me and my dad didn't have the best relationship, but how could he throw me out like I'm some type of garbage.
Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" Aiyden says from the other side of the door.
"Yea." I say, trying to wipe my eyes.

Before I could even finish, Aiyden was already wrapping me in his huge arms. "Stop crying," he says rubbing my back, "I heard it all, and I got you. You can live here with me. We'll go get your stuff in the morning. Ok?"
I look up at him and nod. "You sure I can stay here?"
He pulls back and kisses my forehead. "Yea, my parents will be gone for a minute, and they wouldn't mind me helping someone I care about. And if they do have a problem, then we'll just move into the house my grandpa left me."
I look at him and instantly feel calm and relieved.

"You're grandfather left you a whole house?" I ask in pure awe.
"Yep, he left it in his will that I'll get it when I turn 18, but my birthday is in two weeks so."
"My birthday is in two weeks too!" I say excitedly
"When is yours?" He asked
"The 20th of December."
"Really? Mines is the 20th too!" He says in shock
"For real?"

We both laugh at how excited we had gotten. He then grabbed my hand and began leading me upstairs. Once we had gotten up the stairs, he led me in his room, and into his closet.

"Get you something to sleep in." He tells me and I instantly walk over to his hoodies.
I grab a pink hoodie, that had Rick&Morty on it. I walk over to him and he hands me a new pair of underwear. "These were too small, so they should fit you."
After he handed them to me, he walked out, and sat on his bed. He called my name and gestured for me to come to him. I stood beside him, and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in front of him, between his legs.

"So what's up with your pops anyway?" He asked, looking into my eyes
"I don't know. He's been like that since I was kid. He started physically abusing me when I was seven, and as I got older it turned more into verbal and mental abuse."

He took a huge breath, but didn't say anything. I observed his face, and noticed him slowly fill with anger.
I grabbed his face and start playing with his bottom lip.

"It's ok." I say to him, " He can't hurt me anymore."
"I know," he replied, "But I'm going to make sure you never have to deal with him again."

I take a moment and study his lips. I suddenly felt the growing urge to kiss him. I guess he felt it too, because I noticed him slowly sliding his hand around my neck, and holding a lust filled stare. Before a thought could form, we both just went for it.
Our lips met and I swear I saw our future flash in front of me. I saw us getting married, raising a family, and growing old together. I snapped back into reality once I felt his hands grab my thighs and lift me up on his lap.

"Aiyden, wait." I say, interrupting our kiss. "I have to tell you something."
He sits up, and straddles me on his lap.
"What's up?"
"Well, before we go any further,.....I'm intersex."
"Ok, like which way?"
"I have female genitalia and a working reproductive system. That's why my parents despise me so much. They think I'm a freak and a abomination." I say that last part with pure hurt.
"Look, i'm going to love you, however you come."
He grabs my chin and places a small peck on my lips.
"That just means you can have my babies." He says in a joking tone
We both laughed, and he gave me a tight hug.

We talked about almost everything before we decided to take our showers and lay down. After we laid down Aiyden started cuddling me. I placed my head on his chest, and he started playing in my hair. As I began to dose off, Aiyden whispered in my ear.

"You deserve to be happy E, and I'm going to make sure it happens"

I forgot to tell y'all. But this story takes place, starting around November 3rd, 2022. There is just no Covid or Monkeypox.
And Also they had started and finished their projects super early. I just didn't want it to be the main focus of the story.

𝕐𝕠𝕦 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕄𝕖(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now