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9-Year-old Newt is walking through the woods late at night searching for something. After a while, she finds it. A hand made tombstone made out of wood with white paint on it spelling out the name, Jason Voorhees. Newt digs and digs until she reaches the casket. She opens it and sees Jason's body lying in the casket, still wearing the hockey mask with worms coming through the eye holes. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she opens her eyes again, Jason is gone. She turns around and sees him, already holding a machete. He raises his machete in the air and swings it down at Newt. Newt wakes up screaming from her nightmare. 6 years has passed, and Newt is 15 years old. It's now the year 2008 and Ellen and Newt are still living with Trish. Ellen has become obsessed with her research on everything that has happened over the years. She looked up one of the creatures they have only encountered once 9 years ago, the Predator. She read an article about a place that all the predators live. It's said that the predators and their home was fictional.

ELLEN: Fictional my ass.

She starts planning something very dangerous but knows it could be done. She decides to gear up, get prepared and hunt down all predators to kill them all. First, she has to talk it over with Trish and Newt.

TRISH: Are you fucking kidding me? Do you even realize how dangerous that is? We have had 6 years of peace and now you want to put us at risk.

ELLEN: I know this sounds insane. But after everything we've been through, I know we can do this. What if the predators find us or other people? If their all dead, then we won't have to worry.

TRISH: And what about Newt? Do you really think she would agree to this?

NEWT: Yes. I heard everything. It does sound like a bad idea, but I would feel safer knowing that all those things are gone.

ELLEN: See, even Newt agrees. We can't do this alone, Trish. We need you.

TRISH: Fine. But you better have a very well thought out plan.

ELLEN: I do.

Meanwhile, something horrifying happens in Hollywood. By now most people know about Ellen and Newt's backstory. Their past has become somewhat famous. Most people think it's a hoax, but others believe it. But the part everybody finds most interesting is Chucky. People find it crazy that the most popular children's toy came to life as a voodoo obsessed killer. Chucky became so popular that he had his own movie coming out. The crew decided to use the actual dolls from the crime scene back in 2002. The set designer Don Gardner came into the studio to set the dolls up for the next scene. When he picked up Chucky, the amulet fell out of his little dungarees. Don picked it up and looked at it for a minute. He turned it around and made the biggest mistake of his life. He read the words on the back out loud bringing Chucky and Tiffany back to life. Don froze in fear as he saw their eyes open and sat up.


TIFFANY: Chucky?

Chucky looks over at Don.

CHUCKY: Who the fuck are you?

DON: Uh... My name's Don. Don Gardner.

TIFFANY: Where are we?

DON: In Hollywood on the set of your new movie.

TIFFANY: We have our own movie? What's it called?

DON: Good guy gone bad.

CHUCKY: That is the dumbest fucking title I ever heard.

DON: I didn't come up with it.

CHUCKY: Where did you get that amulet?

DON: It fell out of your overalls.

CHUCKY: Give it here.

Don slowly gives the amulet to Chucky and Tiffany jumps on his back choking him. Chucky grabs a rope and puts it around his neck and strangles him to death.

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