The Delusion.. next part

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I look around my placid surroundings. It felt quiet. Too quiet. My own breath, deep and hoarse was like a foghorn going off in this still room, it felt like I was intruding on the serenity cast upon this place.

Yesterday was so different, mum had gotten annoyed at me cause I was planning on getting a tattoo. I thought she'd be cool with it considering I was old enough and quite a responsible,headstrong person, hardly a rebellious teenager wanting to cause trouble as so many people perceive us teenagers to be. Clearly I was wrong about her being "cool" with it.

We argued for a while, she wasn't going to back and neither was I. Ok I may have acted foolishly about some things but so did she. Evantually I walked out of the living room, not wanting to deal with all this crap she was saying. I wished that she could just leave me alone, but reflecting back on it  I would never want it to actually happen. Did I cause her to stay out late and not come home?

Is it all my fault?


Tears well up in my eyes but I wipe them away as quickly as they come.

'She'll be ok, She'll be ok, She has to be,'

I repeat this over and over and over, as if it's some kind of  ritual. If I could just say or do anything to unlock this puzzle, to make her safe and sound I would.

All of a sudden a loud noise emerges from across the house, I quivered with fright.

Was it mum?

Had she forgotten her keys and way trying to enter or perhaps it was a stranger wanting to cause havoc and strife. I fearfully pace towards the door. My shaking hand reaching towards the door knob. My palms sweating, my heart thudding. The sheer task is so overwhelming, I take my hand off the doorknob as if my hand had been placed on a hot oven.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2011 ⏰

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